YouTube - How to unlock your Nameplate/Visual Flair for Halo Reach Enjoy! I'm rockin' the Mark VI visual flair.
Ugh this angers me... it wont let me use my marathon nameplate because its not showing up in that gamercard, but i go on and its in my recent games... URGH. This irritates me. I guess I'l try it again tomorrow.
MJOLNIR Mk VI Have Halo PC, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST, Marathon: Durandal, played in the Beta, am gonna own Halo Reach, and have my account linked to And, for good measure, I have Halo Wars. They really need something for having everything.
Well... that's some weird logic... at least with the way it is now you only need to buy 1 of each game to get all the plates, you method would require people to buy 2 copies of Halo CE, not including a copy for the console it was originally released on! Anyway, I've got my HALO badge on Flameblad3, Mark VI is for playing all of Bungie's Halo games. Halo PC, Halo 2, Halo 3, ODST and Reach.
No, I mean if you did buy it over X-box LIVE it should count towards you having Halo:CE. Trust me, if I didn't have the shittiest computer on the planet I would have Halo PC but it's not possible.
Right now I'm sportin the HALO nameplate, maybe I'll switch to the Mark VI later to make others jealous. >
For some strange reason, I can't see the "submit" buttons for anything, having played halo 2, 3, and ODST as well as the Reach Beta. Wtf?
I need to get a Halo CE key. I was planning on buying Halo for MAC because Im getting my own computer soon to do with as I please.