Read first: By: Infection This zombie map has an objective to escape the runway. Its a complex map and you cant really camp on this map its all about teamwork to get to the end and escape. Some parts are where you'll half to hold off a position for a amount of seconds [maybe 30 seconds or less] Then you move onto a new area. + in Zombie spawn a man cannon SPAWNS [30sec] and it will lead to a teleporter and leads closer to the humans so you wont half to go threw the map all over again. ITS funner than it looks. Map:Dead Runway: : Halo 3 File Details Game Type:Zombie Escape: : Halo 3 File Details -don't pick up custom power ups: They will SLOW you down and -HP Humans: Movement: 90% Jump:200% Weaponsistol Damage:110% Armor:100% Zombies: Movement:100% Jump:200% Armor:90% Damage:100% Weapons: Pistol [ spawn with] SMG Assault Rifle Battle Rifle Shot Gun [Hidden] Sniper [Hidden] etc , Grenades Zombie spawn Zombie spawn over Shield spawn [10sec] Man cannon [30sec] Human spawn Hall Way 1: don't rush to fast or you'll know what will happen. Different pathways to take DO NOT PICK UP CUSTOM POWER UPS Doors that close's in 30sec, so better hurry. If you don't make it then you'll half to take a different rout. Hallway 2 [use teamwork to pass it.][Have one guy cover you.] Holding this position around 30sec later Refill ammo room Everyone's favorite PART Finally The Last Stand (Hold off here for about 1:45 depends on how fast you get there)
Oh my... This map is. Fantastical!!! Great merging in all spots, and looks great. But it looks breakable at the spawn and by that place where you avoid the falling objects at the beginning of that hallway. I want to know how you have to use teamwork to pass that hallway, do you mean to fight off the zombies or to get by the obstacles? I find how you used the outside of the map very unique because it doesn't work well for most maps but obviously does in this one. I also don't understand what happens when you get to the end, can you fill me in on that before I download? Great map, I give it a solid 7/10 for aesthetics, keep forging bro.
There's 2 hall ways one in the beginning and one later and at the end i kinda ran out of money so a fence appears and its like a safe room for left 4 dead but you need to hold off the zombies for around 30 more sec depends on how fast you arrive there. the pictures are all in order so you'll know whats coming up next and not get lost.