Steve Downes (Master Cheif) Jeff Steitzer (Halo Multiplayer Announcer) Epic voices, epic argument. Who would win? Edit: my images WILL NOT display, it keeps reverting them to regular links. >=(
I feel as though Steve Downes, having done the voice acting that he has, would probably be disinclined to participate in such an argument anyhow. In the case that he does, Jeff Steitzer would probably overtake him in such a heated argument as his age and career have probably given him the experience to do so. But, depending on the argument, one would have to presume that both were arguing on a neutral subject that neither of them could relate to in their jobs or experience and would have to rather relate on their faint knowledge of said subject as careers usually take up a large amount of time and, when confronted with something that does not either relate to nor even present itself in the career, would probably be dumbstruck in the subject. You might want to add a bit of saturation to the "O" and "X" in your name in comparison to the "N" and "Y". Why did you choose that as your avatar? You should edit your thread to give a representation of some of their work. How do you like my signature?
You're looking into things too deeply. >.> Wut? All the letters are transparent by default and have a gray rollover. <.< Why did you choose that as your avatar?? >.> I've had a long day of work, for now, Master Chief and Multiplayer Announcer man will do. <.< Looks suspiciously like mine, but not as cool. >.>
You asked, I answered. The "N" and "Y" are darker than the "O" and "X" Because I am a fan of Lamborghinis. Why are you avoiding the question? You go to work? As in, a full time job? So you're over 18? How is it not as cool? Pokemon is as cool as it gets, bro. Edit: Why are Black Theorem, Chipsinabox, Insane54, and iTz Kneecap eH watching this thread? And why did Black Theorem edit your post?
Neither, because winning a debate relies on whose points and arguments themselves are superior. Oh this is about an argument. Still neither, because it's purely hypothetical and based on voices not ability to convey your argument in as loudly or obnoxiously as possible. This is the dumbest thread I've seen in a while, and I'm not just talking about the OP. LOCKED.