Introduction This is in your face Zombie action, nothing complicated here, no trick doors, long story, tricky jumps, teleporters to strange areas, or confusing map. If your bold you might look over the edge of the jagged cliff for some early kills. Test’s proved to be fun and action packed. Grab your shotgun! Over View This is a Crypt asymetrical multi level map made mainly for infection, other game types are also supported. Infected spawns are at the bottom in the jagged cliff and in the huge wall, non-infected people will spawn up top in safety for the moment, there are several fall-back rooms working there way back to the bottom of the crypt with a an escape elevator which will shoot you all the way to the other side (lean either way or pull back to control your landing spot) of the map down in zombie the zombie pit then in the corner is another elevator up in the wall where you can fall back into several small rooms. All weapons spawn up top. Zombies work their way up the jagged hillside hidding behind rocks or using some cannonmans for help. Or bust through the pallets hiding openings on the wall. Beware- is this map for you? If your preferred infection maps are long crowded skinny hallways with everybody hopping all over each other and all kinds of crap to smash through then this is not your map, you have breathing room here pick your spot to defend yourself. Zombies have good chance of infecting others there is not a huge inbalance, there are NO total safe camp spots Tips The invis ball has a mancannon right next to it. Use the fallback rooms then the bottom elevator for escape to bottom of jagged cliff, then into any hole in the big wall. About Construction This was a fairly difficult build my initial vision was a peak with jagged cliffs on each side but that never happened. Ghostmerging is used in 96% of the map a few block up top are just placed to raise walls to prevent escape. The elevator escape from the bottom room was rebuilt 3 times, it is now functioning flawlessly while using 3 cannon mans, 2 cannons placed opposite each other for centering and more power. Construction time was around 3 weeks. There is $13 left in budget, get rid of a grenade someplace and ad a jucy lite if desired. Gametypes Pick your own, zombies have been tested to 50% grav with no escape detected, 75% grav seemed to work the best. Zombies that die a little easier can improve a game that has less skilled players. Start all with shotguns as primary weapon. Supports Infection, Slayer, KOTH, Oddball, One bomb 1 signature Mongoose PS. I f you happen to DL and have game plz send me an invite K disc k Download Yublariun Virus Other Yublariun Maps Yublariun Wart YublariunSlice Yublariun Plaza Zombies sneak up or mancannon to the top Fall back leading to bottom room Last chance elevator use it. Landing area of last chance elevator is at the bottom, get in the wall!
Very Very VERY good map. I looks fantastic. I really wish this wasnt a week before reach dude. It would have been Dl'd a lot. I will Dl though. You mention other maps, what are those?
The gameplay is amazing, one of the best infection maps i've played on, I dont know why but I just love the back part with the walkways and the turret.