Chiron TL-25 SYSTEM CHECK... DATE: 04/22/42 SYSTEM: SUPERINTENDENT A.I. MK. B312 CONSTRUCT EDITION (DUMB) DATA GRAB: C:\YTREWQ\KAROVD\234.FJ\SYSYS\CHIRON\TL\VERSION25. 3DP, C:\MSG\CPTKYS\891176: CHIRON TL-25 OVERVIEW, C:\YTREWQ\KAROVD\234.FJ\SYSYS\CHIRON\TL\VERSION25. PNG ERROR: C:\YTREWQ\KAROVD\234.FJ\SYSYS\CHIRON\TL\VERSION25. 3DP CORRUPT. SUGGESTED PATHS: 1.) RECREATE DATA 2.) SYSTEM DECORRUPT (PROCESSING CAN TAKE UP TO SEVERAL MONTHS) <2.> CHOSEN. PLEASE WAIT FOR FILE TO FINISH BEING PROCESSED. ACCESS TO OTHER FILES BEING OPENED IN MEAN TIME. PROCESSING NEEDS TO BE SET UP. DECORRUPTION PROCESS WILL BEGIN ON 04/30/42. CONTINUING TO SET UP FILES. --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------- ::::OPENING MESSAGE:::: SENT FROM: [REDACTED] SENT TO: CONSTRUCTION CREW 029 ----------------------------- Congratulations. Your crew has been chosen to construct the Chiron TL-25. Version 25 of the Chiron TL is the first functional design of the station that fulfills any of the objectives of the Chiron Training Project, and the second to be built following version 16. An exciting part of your construction? You will be building the first functioning teleporters that have a success of non-lethal teleportation rate of 99.99999999%! As opposed to versions 17-24 of course, which were not built due to... failures in teleportation testing. I hope your team is prepared for this, here are the rest of the details of the map. Good luck. CHIRON TL-25 DETAILS: Goal and status of the Chiron project: To create a training program for the newest line of soldiers the [REDACTED], where the soldiers learn to adapt to new situations in an instant. This will be simulated through the use of teleporters, forcing soldiers to have no knowledge of future scenarios by going blind into new rooms. Version 16 has laid out the basic shape of our facility, with the current version (25) being the first to have a room entirely separated by teleporters. The ultimate goal is to have every hallway replaced by a set of teleporters. Current funds only allow for 8 safe affordable teleporter nodes, and a main gate used for entering and exiting the facility. The main gate will be shut down during training drills. Final version is projected to be completed within the next 10-15 versions. Number of rooms: 9 Number of floors: 3.5 Non-Construction Based Objects Required: 1 M45 Tactical Shotgun 8 Medical Health Stations 1 Overshield Energizer 6 Fragmentation Grenades 4 Type-25 Directed Energy Pistols (SEE DIRECTOR FOR OBTAINMENT) 1 M41 Surface-to-Surface Rocket Medium Anti-Vehicle/Assault Weapon 1 MA37 Individual Combat Weapon System 1 Type-25 Directed Energy Rifle (SEE DIRECTOR FOR OBTAINMENT) 8 Two Way Teleportation Nodes (Mk. 7) Possible Variants: AS32klj5:::CORRUPTED DATA IN MESSAGE. WORKING ON REPAIR::: NOTE: Image below slightly outdated. We've reduced the number of Medical Health Stations, and as such the image needs to updated. Expect update in 8 days. Until then use the .3DP for references. ---------MESSAGE END--------- C:\YTREWQ\KAROVD\234.FJ\SYSYS\CHIRON\TL\VERSION25. PNG
I'm probably going to figure out myself some of that stuff. After all, there are a LOT more territories in Halo: Reach than in Halo: CE.
I've done a chiron-esque map before, and trust me, the shotgun and rocket do not work. It is too cramped for either.
I'm thinking of making two versions. The main one, where I customize the weapons MY way, and the special 34 version that has the original weapons included.
Yeah, I can see how someone would say that. It's half identical, half completely different, if that makes any sense. A little of the original idea is lost. I'm hoping it will play better.