so ive seen a bunch of maps that have ramps or things like that which will make players able to move freely from the ground level to sky bubble without the players falling to their death. I have a great idea for a map to make (but i cant tell cuz someone lurking will steal it) and all i need is to break the sky bubble part so that their will be 1 continuous level.. thus creating greatness thanks in advance for anyone who can give me a link or personally show me how to do it (ive looked around for some time now but cant find it)
You can't break it, but you can go past it, you can do this by doing some glitches with teleporters, or you can just have a block push you out. Just hold the double block, float ever so slightly above it, look straight down, push it against the grid to have the friction hold it still get in front of it, and look forward. If that made no sense, just get inside of a tube corner and push yourself out. Or download a canvas.
If you want a continuous ramp from sky bubble level (Not the skybubble itself) down to mid level. Then you will have to break out to the tower and build down from there. You will also need to block the towers. Search for a guide on how to break out to the towers. This one SHOULD work, but if it doesn't just invite me to a game and I'll help you.
it helps but the area between the ground lvl barrier and the sky bubble is to weird to work in. objects fall up and dont stay still but thanks for the maps i can use them in something else