Alternate Forge worlds

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CjayS42, Jul 26, 2010.


What would you like for an Alternate Forge world?

Poll closed Jul 26, 2011.
  1. Arctic land

  2. Large Beaches

  3. Desert

  4. Covenant city

  5. Human City

  1. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    I love how you said 'refreshingly colorful' and then you suggest a white, dull, and barren theme.
  2. Organite

    Organite Journalist
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    I was about to say like the exact same thing.

    And as far as the human city,
    basically have something along the lines of Foundry where there is a default map on it too but buildings and such can be moved around, and there would be predefined building blocks and such so that you could create more buildings but also have the basic materials to construct odd and interesting things.
  3. BK Blake

    BK Blake Forerunner

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    /agrees with cart0graph. The most colorful theme is probably green grass, blue skies, white clouds, clear water, and brown and gray rocks. Which is what they made.
  4. St. Burke

    St. Burke Ancient
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    Ok, i cant change me vote, but ill change me mind.
    I now vote for any forge world map with a mainly covenant theme.
  5. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    "White" is better than "brown, black and gray". From the options: Foundry, Sandbox (which is just straight and constant yellow) or Avalanche, it takes the longest to get sick of staring at Avalanche.

    And I love how you made white sound bad by calling it 'dull' and 'barren'. It could also be described as 'bright' and 'pure'. After forging on Foundry I am just mind-bogglingly sick of its colors.

    My second vote would be the covenant theme, although I don't know how long I could stare at all that purple.
    #65 frog on stilts, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  6. St. Burke

    St. Burke Ancient
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    Purple could get annoying, yeah, but i had always wanted building blocks that were covenant based.
  7. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Even though my vote does go to an avalanche-esque theme, their is way more color and variety in every other option. I don't want a map for it's 'colors', I want a map for which the theme I prefer.
  8. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    This is semantics. All a theme is, is: colors, shape and fictional pattern. Shape and fictional pattern is going to be trivial and hold a similar appeal no matter what is picked, so the only thing left is to pick the color scheme that won't make our eyes bleed when we invest months of forging at a time.

    I like the idea of combining the covenant theme and the winter theme. Use snow for the canvas and covenant architecture as the building blocks. Like someone here said, Giant Snowbound. The purple building blocks could even be paired with forerunner building blocks (Snowbound had some of that, after all).

    EDIT: Plus, it'd be colorful. You could have purple, crimson and blue pieces and also have golden glass pieces.
    #68 frog on stilts, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  9. The Storm 59

    The Storm 59 Ancient
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    I think it'd be great to see a Forge Palette like ghost town, with human prices, but with a decaying run down feel. The map could really be anything, a desert, jungle or swamp theme would probably work with the pieces pretty well though.
    Personally I want to see a completely overcast cloudy Forge World, so that weather effects for rain could be added easily, and night effects wouldn't look weird with the sun in the sky.
  10. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Yeah Snowbound would be the best asthetic, you guys are absolutely right!

    I wish I had polled a Snowbound arctic, covenant, forerunner theme against a human city theme now!

    And there could be an underground covenant area where the Flood was taking over too! It could even hold a chamber big enough for grif ball, but be covenant and flood themed! Then above ground there would be snow on the ground and it could be snowing, and there could be a forerunner structure area and golden stuff and blue see through glass...

    Its like the perfect asthetic theme idea since it offers SO MUCH variation.

    Also in the snowy area, there could be a cliff kind of like on Snowbound, but there could be a waterfall with a stream at the bottom flowing across the map into a pond, and then some of the pond could be iced over on the other side too offering an area where the ground would be ice!

    There could also be a giant lift, think like in the Halo CE level Truth and Reconciliation, that sends you up inside of a Covenant ship. Then there could be an area like Midship somewhat open in that to create maps like Assembly and Midship, and above that there could be a low-gravity outer space area!

    The green looking water on the Halo CE map Damnation, I think that was the one, would be awesome to work into the map too.
    #70 eating lunch, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  11. JIX

    JIX Forerunner
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    What if they just gave us a huge map and each area of the map was a different enviroment. Like one area was green and beautiful, one was arctic, one was desert, and so on.
  12. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I wish they would do that, but I don't think they will since they didn't do that with Forge World.

    I think we may be able to get lucky and get a few asthetics combined that they have combined before like Snowbound for example, arctic, forerunner, covenant, and if we're lucky we could have some flood asthetics thrown in with that too. I see no reason why those four asthetics could not be blended together good enough to keep Bungie happy if they don't want to do different areas in different themes.
  13. Gr4phix

    Gr4phix Ancient
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    Can't there be an "All of the Above" option? ):
  14. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I want a human city with flood and forest aesthetics for a forgeworld, or maybe a little smaller... so forgemoon

    I would like to see all the races architecture in one map, but that would not look very good in one map, I would just want it for the versatility that map would have for forge.
  15. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    I think the only way they could put all environments onto one alternate Forge World would be to connect them with teleporters. If I were a designer for a map, I would refuse to attempt to transition from snow to desert, (or any of the other options).
  16. Aschur

    Aschur Wubba lubba dub dub
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ok think of your transition, then think of a meeting point of Human, Flood, Forerunner, and covenant building styles... eeek! that would be a nightmare for artists.
  17. XtheXmonsterX

    XtheXmonsterX Ancient
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    I was gonna give a lengthy explaination of my viewpoint, but it'll be easier to quote what I said in another thread with a similar topic:
  18. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    This is what i want to see happen, make sure they have forge pieces forge each section. If they were to do this it would be kick ass
  19. zohrah

    zohrah Forerunner

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    It would be cool if i could have a desert city [forge built] with a sand storm and "sand monsters" with poor camo attacking you.
  20. PWNAGEStudioz

    PWNAGEStudioz Forerunner

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    It would be awesome if they made a map actually starting from scratch (By that, I mean adding the terrain!)

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