Xbox headset sound quality to improve Xbox 360 News - Page 1 | In short, the quality of xbox live chat is going to be improved! Yay I think it will cause some problems though. People with trashy connections with big egos like to host parties and "It's not my connection, it's yours!" will have even worse experiences. But nonetheless, good news for people like me with good connections and good mics
I confused a 30 year old women with a ten year old. I know the feeling -.- She was like, I'm off to cook my childrens food. I was like, lolwut? She's like I'm off to cook some food. I'm like, but your ten. She's like, no I'm 30. And I was like... Your a women arn't you. & she laughed. /bad grammar.
Bungie servers are based in america. Therefore when it pings us both, it appears to the servers that you have the quicker connection. I DEMAND A SPEED TEST!
Just because the quality's being improved doesn't mean we'll be able to tell the difference much easier. No matter how hard microsoft tries they can't just drop the testicles of every prepubescent boy in the world.
This. And I'm hoping this cuts down on mic lag, at least just a wee bit; yelling something that needs to be heard, when it's too late to be of any use is useless.
Most girls never talk on xbl because all the boys try to find out where they live. I knew one who broke her mike to make a point about some boy trying to ask her out in halo. I like the mike excuse because so many people think I'm fifty and I have to convince them I'm not some creeper
I was once told I sound like Dante Basco. I have yet to actually ever say, "Dragon up!" or, "I have you now, Avatar!" which I think is a total waste.
Lmao, whenever I hear echo of myself, I sound like a girl, but some people seem to think I sound like a big "african american" man. I dunno what's up there Ohh and on the phone I sound like a girl, people always think I'm my sister. INB4 "YOUR SIS HAS A DEEP VOICE!"
This might get interesting? OT: Well i sound like i'm 11, Says almost anyone i play with atleast. But it doesn't bother me at all.
No matter how much they improve the quality, I will always be asked that question. This is interesting though. I'm intrigued to see if they can pull it off.
Yeahhh an improvement in sound wont get rid of the question at all. I only ask it when im being an asshole, but 80% of the time i can easily tell the difference between little boy and chick. boys who havent gone through puberty sound like girls in real life. all this will do is make voices more distinct meaning there will be many different breeds of squeaker instead of the one we've come to know and love. regardless of annoying squeakers who i'll still mute instantly, this is AWESOME news. Teamwork is so much better when everybody doesn't sound like they have the mic in their asshole. couldnt have been said better.
Haters gonna hate. Lmfao. Good thing my voice has been getting deeper, so i won't have to feel the wrath of chuck.