A Long Track mostly made for Drifting around sharp corners and it also has alot of Awesum Jumps. It has a Wide trake so you can Drift around all the Noobs that arn't giving 100%. This Track was made By KingSharpShoota and KingPartyPooper Starting Line! First Corner! First Jump! Drop off! Uphill Drift! KingDrift! This Trake is Made for the V.I.P Variant 'Sparten Karts', Talk to the Makers to get it. Follow this link to Download: http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=32929590
download the pics to your computer then upload the to a site like photobucket www.photobucket.com <---------- then use the code thats like Code: [img]link here[/img] Edit: i was nice an downloaded
well i downloaded it its cool but it lacks interlocking witch kinda kills the flow an looks of the map but its a cool track layout
What, that doesn't make sense their are plenty of well made maps that look and play great. So that is no excuse for sloppiness. Otherwise it looks like a good racing map. For your next map do some interlocking here and there and it will look better and can still play great.
Thanks. Can do interlocking but this was made before i new how to do it. I do have a CTF maps with lots of interlocking on it. Called HOUSE OF DOOM. You can get it off my file share and its best played with oneway CTF with 2 rounds and 7 mins each round. heres a link to it http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.a...ileid=28846921
hay srry this reply was l8 but what was the this u like the bot on house a doom any way and on sky high drift
It's quite good, i cant see interlocking but you have some good jumps and it uses quite alot of space. I don't know how you managed to get four xbl people to stay in a row long enough to take a pic, all my friends would have already commited suicide or something on those lines.
lol to get them to stay still i was like stay still or ill boot u and ur pics will not go on forge hub lol and it worked they all stayed still ha ha try it