some parts look too sharp (dark edge of red planet) and some look to soft (middle of green planet and light edge of red planet) The rest is alright I guess
how long did this take you its really cool the ring is to dark i dont like the light source by the blue planet and some of the plants are the same just smaller
the constellations in the back look strange to me, more like blobs of bright colors rather than galaxies far off give those a little more shape and itll be fine nice work btw
i dont like how the blue stuff interferes with the text. but totally badass nonetheless, might use it as my phone background.
Some 5 or 6 hours total. And none of the planets are actually using the same texture, the closest moon is using a combination of of the blue planet and the red planet texture, but apart from that they may be similar but they're certainly not the same. Each one was hand crafted and originally some 1000x1000 pixels. Go ahead, it's a little small though. My next piece should be 1680 x 1040, real wallpaper material. Thanks
Wow, did you by chance use a drawing tablet for doing the textures for the planets? if not, if you could shine some light onto how you did it, it'd be awesome... I have no intention of doing something like this, I'm just curious. Mainly I'm interested in how the far right planet was done. BTW, this is pretty damn awesome.
No tablet used, as for the textures I just used very small images as a 'face' for each planet, like a 200x200 picture of dirt, or water, or something along those lines. Then I'd repeat the image across the face of the planet and follow through with the normal planet procedures and touch up with lighting, contrast, atmosphere, so forth.
Well, I can answer how it is likely done, as I have experience working with the space scene. The planets are circular marquees filled with rock texture, then Filter-distort-spherize to get the feeling of being a planet. Then over top, in a new layer with the same edges, the desired color, and blending set to color. Set a slight inner and outer glow to show off the atmosphere. Then in another new layer, duplicated off the color, fill with black, add a shadow and black glow for the shadow, move off in desired direction. The rings are a layer filled with black, filter-render-difference clouds, then, filter-distort-twirl, set to maximum twirls. Erase center and outside to leave just the twirled region with a circle in the center. Transform to flatten, so as to make it look like a ring. Rotate, erase portions behind planet, change color using Image-Adjustments-Hue/Saturation.
Man, I just cant get over how much I like this, its crazy, it reminds me alot of the game Star Ocean: The Last Hope if you've ever played that game. I'm going to try and photoshop me a steampunk statue of liberty now.