Howdy ya'll, this is Redneck hippo. This is my first map to post so... i bet there will be alot of problems. The map itself is a triangle with two bases at the base angles of it.This map has the game varients slayer, king of the hill, assault, and odd ball. For wepons, there isn't alot because i ran out of money, i thought i had the unlimited money glitch.... guess not but there are 2 BRs, 2Carbines, Rockets, Sniper, Shotgun, Needler, And an overshield. It sounds like alot but they all have 0 clips and a long respawn time so their not too overpowered. I hope ya'll enjoy. This here is a basic overview of the map. Here is another overview but this time showing the top of the triangle. Picture of the one of the 2 identical starting bases. Here is an overview of the top of the triangle. Here is the bridge made of bridges. Here is what your looking at a spawning base. Here is a side view of the center structure. Ya'll enjoy this now. : Halo 3 File Details
This map is clearly a triangle, so why is it named "Cubed"? Might wanna reconsider the name. On a more serious note, this is a very good map, especially for 2v2. It's the style of map where you take over the top section and try to rain death from above. My only concern is that you put the overshield at the top of the map. If it were at the bottom, people would have to move around more to dominate the map. When it's at the top, people can kinda just stay in that one spot. There's enough cover that it wasn't a huge problem, but I'd still look into it.
To cube something (in Mathematics) is to raise it to the power of 3. A Perfect triangle has 3 congruent sides and 3 45 degree angles. PS: This isnt only aimed at the person above me. this is for anyone who was going to comment on the maps name like he did. Edit: this is for the guy below me. "yeagh i kinda messed up with the angles but you kinda made me look stupid by saying my post was wrong. I said to cube something in mathemetics is to raise it by 3. that is definately a fact. and a triangle has 3 sides. so really the only thing i was wrong with was the angles. And just to let you know im fairly certain that the guy who made the map had the exact same thought as me. Im 100% sure he didnt just use the name because he thought it sounded cool."
1) A "perfect triangle" (by which you mean equilaterial) has angles of 60 degrees. 2) Cubed is actually refering to volume, 3 dimensions (length, width, depth). A triangle only has two dimensions. That's why its got its name. Otherwise it'd be "third power". This is why there's "squared" for second power, but not something for fourth power- we are only aware of the first three dimensions thus there is no common word for 4 dimensions. Sorry, I agree with you, cubed was only put there to be cool probably which is perfectally fine, but you could at least be right in your post. As far as the map, it looks pretty cool, but the pictures taken in forge via monitor view are kinda annoying. Just saying. Kinda messing with my choice to DL or not. Also, do *all* the weapons, including BRs have 0 clip? That seems a bit far.
I'm going to ignore the math talk... Anyways this is a great map for your first map by my standards! I'm sure people will agree with me when I say (or type) that. Just a few things I'm concerned with, what's with the spawns? They look a little clumsy, or just put randomly. Perhaps you could move the spawns next to cover and point them towards a goal (like a ramp to the Over shield). And a few objects look like they could be merged better like the bridge ramps to the Needler and Over shield. Aesthetics make your map a lot better! I will DL and write another response soon.
As above im going to ignore the discussion about the naming of the map. Well done for being inventive and not having the map in some sort of rectangular shape as these maps can get very boring. You might want to take your pictures in theatre mode with the HUD off so we can see more of your map without the HUD cluttering the field of view and maybe add a few more overview shots of the map from different angles, just try experimenting. This map looks good for 4 player FFA and 2v2 gameplay. You might want to scale down on some of the power weapons ans there seem to be quite a few for such a small map and maybe make the spawn times for some of the less powerfull weapons slightly shorter and give them at least one extra clip as some players like me seem to burn through massive ammounts of ammo without dying or killing anyone. Also it is very easy to escape this map so you might want to re-design some of the outer walls with some merging and interlocking. Overall it looks very good and it gets 7/10 from me and with a few changes could be much better. Well Done
Math is not something I'm going to talk about on Labor Day. This map is alright for a first post. The triangle idea is ok but it is pretty cramped. OV on elevated ground is a questionable decision. U dont want someone with 3 seconds of invincibility above u with a BR. One last thing, U dont need to max out on spawn points. U really only need about half of those, and u should put more thought into where the spawns r at. When a player spawns they need options, if a player spawns in the open, their only option is to die instantly. U should make a v2 with cleaner forging/interlocking and more thought out spawns and weapon locations, or just wait and make it again in Reach.
Give him a break, this is his first map. I think it's nearly perfect how it is. Don't be such a hard ass.