that was more on bungies next game, this is more on 343s. halo is a great series. 343 has their work cut out for them. i think that they will work really hard on forge and make campaign more cinematic. they already have great games to base gameplay off of, so i have no doubt that 343 can make a good game. the rate of improvement will drop off, and dont be to hopeful for any new features. nothing will make us say wow i dont think.
i just hope that halo turns out to be a artreu call of duty version infinity ward has dominated in respect to there versions of that game, while artreu trails far behind
I don't see 343 making a Halo game as phenomenal as Reach, really. In fact, I'm sure I saw a few things they were wrong about in the Halo Encyclopedia >.> If they can't even keep their **** completely straight there, what about with a task bigger than that? Halo games are a bigger task then making a book, and if the book isn't even completely right, who knows what they'll do to murder Halo in it's sleep?
Well we all know anything with "Halo" in the title will sell, the thing is, will it sell with the hardcore fans if it sucks? No.
This may be me just being hopeful and/or optimistic, but I'm looking at the situation with this paradigm. Microsoft has owned the property rights to "Halo" for a very long time. They've employed Bungie to make their Halo games because they're an amazing team that will give fans what they want, and that is on top of the games just being amazing altogether. The people that work for Microsoft know that Halo is a juggernaut, a pot of gold, and considered by a large percentage of people worldwide to be the greatest video game series created. Because of Halo's reputation, it's potential in making money (since thats what the industry is all about) and it's mass following, I don't see Microsoft leaving their franchise game in the hands of a development team that is incapable of also making something great. It simply wouldn't make sense.
You tell me what they have made that made you think the Halo series is in good hands after Bungie is done with it.
Although I do agree that they probably won't do too good, Microsoft did make Windows, and the Xbox, and Kinect....
As I asked before, do you actually know of anyone else apart from Frankie specifically? People talk about 343 having ex Bungie employees, but I haven't heard a single name apart from his.
343 Industries is just a company Microsoft made to take the Halo franchise after Reach is done. But they aren't exactly Microsoft.
Oh come on bro, Waypoint is a useless application that takes up space on your HD. So you get some avatar gear, big deal. They have done nothing that makes me excited for the future of Halo.
Then yes, if Microsoft made 343, and Microsoft owns 343, it's safe to that whatever 343 does Microsoft does, seeing as they can do nothing without Microsoft permission.
Yeah, but after that, they made some books and stuff. At least they might be able to keep the story right, and not end up forgetting what the Covenant is called and then call them 'The alien force' or something
^I had that in my sig for a while. I think it mostly depends on what bungie hands over to 343 If 343 gets all the engines and leftover stuff from Halo Reach they could potentially spin off another functional Halo game, albeit without the good story bungie has kept going. If 343 manages to steal some of the Bungie staff, halo could continue to be great.
343 industries = microsoft. its not like the same people who make windows are making halo, this is just one of microsofts gaming divisions.