I just got a 360 after 5 years of waiting. I've been a long time Halo fan since CE and I would regularly participate in LAN matches, but then I just never got around to getting a 360 or Halo 3. I just recently started playing on Live, and it's a blast. I'm still a bit rusty and getting used to the maps, but it's just an amazing game. I'm not very good at using the Forge yet, but I'd love to play on some customized maps. My gamertag is ManicUndies, if anyone wants to add a newbie on a whim :]
Wassup homie. It's terrible that you only just got Halo 3. If you've never actually seen the creativity of a master forger, you might literally **** bricks when you download these. It'll be like a ten year old finding his dad's box of Playboys on a Saturday night alone.
Yeah it's pretty bad. I've always wanted a 360, but there were just other things my money would be better spent on. I'm glad I held out until the 360S. I would always play halo 3 at my friends' parties and what not, and it was always a blast. I've seen some of the forged maps in videos, it's pretty ridiculous. The race tracks intrigue me the most right now. I just can't figure out how to get into these custom maps. Do you have to be invited?
Yeah, there are no specific playlists for custom games in the main MM menus. Either invitation, start your own, or join someone else's.
Hello there, I hope you have a great time at forgehub. I sent you a pm telling you some cool things you might want to know, check it out.
How's it doing. Ya feel free to pm me with any questions, or If you think you need to have a map tested.
Cool, thanks for the warm welcome guys. Still trying to work my way into the Halo community to get some friends to play with. The more the merrier right? I'll try to get in some of these forge maps, because all of them look so awesome so far.
Welcome to Forge Hub! Have fun If I'm running a custom game any time soon, I'll try to remember to shoot you an invite so you can try out some maps.