Hey guys, so I just spent a few hours working and developed a remix of the live action trailers "Birth of a Spartan" and "Deliver Hope". This utilizes the soundtrack "Under the Cover of Night" (A remix of the song by the same name from the ODST soundtrack) done by Silver Brin. I've mashed these three things into a wonderful visual and audio **** (man, I sure am high up on this eh?) for you to enjoy. Please check it out, comment and rate! Thanks guys. Link Version Of course feedback is welcomed and appreciated.
That was pretty damn good; the only thing I could say is that I don't totally 100% agree where the pelican flying is placed. IMO it should either be near the end, or near the beginning. It just doesn't seem to fit in where it's at now. Great song choice too.
Goes together well, but both of those original videos had a very quiet, somber song playing, this just seems too upbeat for whats actually going on.
I felt that with the mixing style, and with the more overall message the trailer remix conveyed that a more dramatic tone would set it up much more efficiently and make for a greater impact. If I was wrong, at least I took a shot.
This looks pretty cool. I just wasn't really excited due to the fact that I've seen both of those like a million times.