it is almost come to be the time to create something that is already in existance. though i myself, do not build such maps, i know that some of the people on this site do. since there is already a thread for matchmaking maps on reach, i guess i will have to be the one to make the campaign remake thread. if you guys want to talk about possible campaign remakes that you might make, go ahead. :ninja:
I used to think that the bridge in the control room right before Truth would've made a stupid and fun MP map. It seems relatively easy to remake as well, maybe i'll add that to the bottom of my idea list. You're talking about H3 campaign spaces in Forge 2.0 right?
it would be cool to make the room where you fight guilty spark. like with a decorative feature in the middle, and a few spartan lasers around it.
yes, i'm talking about halo 3 campaign maps in forge 2.0. also, a remake of the last part of Sierra 117 would be pretty badass and probably play magnificently for slayer and you would almost definitely have an AMAZING game of generator defense out of it. :ninja:
I just had a great idea! I will probably remake the beginning of The Covenant. The gametype will be Invasion and the first Tier will be the Spartans making their way up the hill. The Covenant will have a Shade Turret and a few weapons around and the Spartans will have a Mongoose to start. The Spartans will have to make it to the top of the hill and capture the thing to move on to the next tier. The next tier will take place on top of the hill, the part with the river and Ghosts. The Elites will have a Ghost and the Spartans will get a Warthog. They will have to travel across the top of the hill and down to the big field and capture that area. Tier 3, will be in the huge open field, which might be in the Canyon. Elites will get a Wraith and Revenant, except that both don't respawn. Spartans get a Spartan laser and a sniper rifle. The Spartans will then have to grab the core in the back of the field and bring it to the side for extraction. Sound alright? Any comments?
i mean that would definitely work. why didn't i think of that rofl. anyway, although i don't really make remakes often, if you need any help making that i would be glad to help. :ninja:
Ok, I might just call on you. I'll probably have my other friend help me too. I'll think up a list of loadouts and send them to you, ok?
yea that'd be fine. if only there was a "Master Chief" or "Arbiter" loadout name. that would be extremely badass.
There weren't very many "Oh crap now I'm stuck here in this well balanced enclosed place with a bunch of space monkeys on-par with my abilities that I'll now have to battle" moments in H3's campaign. There were several of those in ODST however, but most were immediately made into firefight maps in the same game. An infection gametype that has the survivors pushing up the tower at the beginning of the Halo mission would be fun. The zombies could literally slide into battle as they are forced to spawn atop the tower, which is where the human's Safe Zone inconveniently located itself. Too bad there's no 'crashed pelican' piece you could phase into an equally missed 'random rubble' piece.
I've got a good idea for a map but it bases of a Halo CE map and not a Halo 3 one. Just that chunk of the map is begging to become a Reach map. I have it all planned out (thanks to MS Paint) and it will be my first map I make, and probably will be the best I make for a while. If I have the budget.
Sea Urchin, you should change the OP to specify in-specificity. As in, any space from any Halo campaign.
why would i do that if there are already halo CE and halo 2 remakes. this is a thread for maps that have never been done before. not to be mean or anything :ninja:
You asked for Campaign maps in Halo 3, and that you wanted things people have never done before. I don't think anybody was able to make campaign maps from any halo game in Halo 3's forge, and I have a great idea ready to be put in action based on a Halo CE map that would work amazingly and would be literally impossible in Halo 3 because forge was incredibly limited and the map is huge. So I have to go with ROFLwaffleP133 up there^^.
I have built a remake out of the beginning of Delta Halo from Halo 2. Was thinking of uploading it here on Forge Hub soon. It's pretty simple. Humans are the Master Chief and Marines and the Zombies are the Covenant. There's Grunts, Jackals and Elites depending on where you spawn. There's like three cages, one for Grunts, one for Jackals, and one for Elites which contains lesser spawnpoints. And the longer the game continues the better weapons the covenant get.
BUMP, Haha, jkjk. Urchin you should change the title though. For Kneecap? Pleeeaaaasssse? But yeah, if anybody wants to see my "map" its the Link, you know, that blue word that says "link". I've gotten enough people saying the want to gouge their eyes out because it so fugly (Crypto). All I have to work with is MS paint so just calm down, keep that in mind, and if your gonna comment about it, don't say stuff like; "MY EYES" or "This is so ugly I'm gonna kill myself", etc. Oh yeah and the lighter the gray, the more elevated the object is, as in if it's light gray its higher than the dark gray. Also, the light blue is glass, and the dark blue is a "light" bridge down the middle of the map Good day to you all!
last mission of halo 3: halo-first half- have a big structure like the building master chief and arbiter clime to meet with Sgt. major to activate the ring. good defensive game type would work here
if you can fit that in forge world that would be extremely epic. you could probably use it for invasion as well because of the levels you have to reach. you should try to add the pit around the structure with a death barrier in it. it would make it so much more awesome. :ninja:
Is there a loadout name called "Thel 'Vadam"? Oh, Gametime, I overheard some intelligent and attractive user talking about this very thing the other day. I totally think that should happen. The other guy convinced me of it's awesomeness. I'm glad you think like him.