urgh, their stealing MORE of my money now? this sucks, better go buy however much xbox live it will let me at once. really sucks due to the fact i dont even use most of those features... in fact i dont use any of them. they should make that a new type of membership to use those and have that be the new price... seriously i have to pay enough as it is without a job.
You can always go to one of those freebie sites and fill out enough offers to get a live card. In my opinion the best site is rewards1. Theres a link in my sig if anybody wants to check it out. Hope this helps
Quite glad I live in Australia, doesn't effect me... but oh wait, I ALREADY pay more than you do. I'm paying $80 a year, which is roughly $70 American, give or take. PLUS Australians don't have Netflix. It's an extra $10 really that life-threateningly awful? It's really not that bad. Breaking it down, that's roughly 16 cents a day, $5 a month. Is it really THAT bad? Eh, pretty frustrating. Not that I have to pay higher rates with less features but that you're all complaining about a simple $10 increase.