I’m sure that X-Wings, and Tie Fighters, and all that Star Wars stuff has been done to death. My excuse is that I made this map before I found this website. So at the time it seemed new to me. This map does have an actual game attached to it though, something I don’t think you often see in these kinds of maps. So here’s the X-Wing Flying down the Death Star Trench Here’s the Tie Fighter Ominously approaching the X-Wing The game is one flag, rebels vs imperials, rebels are trying to take the flag, imperials defend it. A rebel pilot needs to hop into the X-Wing, aim at the tiny exhaust port, and fire their torpedoes. If you make your mark you’ll activate a series of explosions that knock away some boxes below the exhaust port. Simply run in and grab the flag (no need to run back to base, the flag capture point is right next to where the flag is located). Each team spawns on one side of the trench. On the imperial side is a teleporter leading to the inside of the Tie Fighter Rebel scum! The map also supports team slayer. In team slayer the telepoter leading to the Tie Fighter is moved to where the flag would normally be (below the ventilation shaft). And I should point out that I realize the map is easily broken. You’d need to have a gentlemen’s agreement not to grenade jump out, and also to not attack the ventilation shaft without using the X-Wing. I realize that rules like that are usually frowned upon, but I made this map mostly as a novelty, not really for gameplay. Death Star Trench
This is an awesome idea, but it would seem a bit to easy for the rebels. Perhaps if there were more trenches that they had to fight through to get to this final area?
wow looks good. although i see that some poeple are complaining it seems that it is a pretty good map
I was just thinking about doing a Death Star trench map design, but not like this. This is interesting. Too bad you can't fly it in... But then what would I do with my idea?
I don't know why I posted this in casual maps, you guys are right, it should be in aesthetic. I think when I was finishing the map up, right before I posted it, I was really focused on the gameplay and that whole aspect of it was still fresh in my mind. I don't know if a mod should move this or something. That's a pretty good idea, there's a lot of space outside of the trench, I could turn that into a system of tunnels leading to the actual trench itself. Not sure where I'm going to get the extra money for that though... Yeah, I guess you could go the other way with it, take the emphasis off the ships and focus on the actual trench itself. Like make a enclosed area a banshee has to fly down while being shot at by rockets or something like that. I'm not sure I know what you mean when you say that it's a remake.
I think you should be last person that would say this is sloppy. Let me end this in a good note, Excellent map, people usually don't put 2 ships in one map..
This map lays out the skeletal structure for a great aesthetic map, but due to a lack of bugdet/items, it appears to have fallen short of its potential glory. It makes up for this in the fact that it is playable though. I'd recommend re-doing the map using an unlimited budget canvas and some examples of X-wings and TIE's from the aesthetic posts.
Nice job (allthough you're right, these things ARE done to death X_X). Methinks a mod should move this to aesthetic, though.