Another zombies map that lasts between 2 and 4 minutes in most cases. For best results, I would tell the humans not to pick up the swords. Especially if you are playing in a small party. Like all my maps, it can be played with any number of players. Human Spawn Zombie Spawn Tactical Zombie Dieing Humans Dieing Zombies This Guy thought fast to save his @$$! Charging Zombies Think any of them got a good gun?--It can be damned hard to get any weapon besides your pistol. I recently changed it up to make it so that the humans may actually get their hands on some nice toys.Tell me if that was a mistake please. Slaughtered Zombies Download Map Here: Download Variant Here: Please actually play the map before you give it a review, please! Hope you enjoy and comment. Thanks!
what map is this on? at first i thought maybe blackout then i noticed the stairs and how perfect they were so i got confused its last resort right?
How big of an area is that? It seems small, and if it is, thats alright,, I'm just wondering. Yes It's Last Resort. . .I think.
Yes it is a very small area, just the stairway and part of the hallway in the defending base of last resort
So this is another one of these 'Zombies have no shields and swords' maps to get put in the giant pile. I really dont like this kind of map, they degrade halo 3. Infection was meant so the Zombies were more powerful than the un-infected, not less.
lol at the top left corner and top right on the bottom picture the light is broken this map looks like the humans would hold of the zombies for a while i want to try this out ill try it out and review it
umm this map doesn't look that big and onli has like 2 rooms to hide in or wateva, wtf, zombie maps are sposed to be like that, why do u think they put in no shield and decay.