Hushed Casket Tombstone/Hang Em' High Remake I fully intend to make a refined, balanced remake of Tombstone and Hang 'Em High. I have made a Tombstone/Hang 'Em High remake for Halo 3 and adjusted it for the changes between H2 and H3. I have made several drafts and sketch-ups of the completed map. My current version is very true to the originals, even when constraining myself to be within the demands of limited object category counts. Theory My version will be closer to Tombstone than Hang 'Em High for several reasons. The biggest of these reasons is Tombstone was a logical extension of HeH's essence, in terms of block placement, general geometry and weapon placement it was thought out much more thoroughly than HeH. This is not a remake of my other remake. My previous creation, "Unforgiven" didn't preserve some Red Base Geometry for balance reasons. The crypt forced the map to be small, and Red Base was simply too overbearing. Not to mention the crater in one corner of the floor. My intention for this remake is make a remake of Tombstone/Hang 'Em High that will play well in Reach while maintaining its classic feel. It will NOT be a pixel-perfect remake, but it will still feel like an old friend when you load it up. The basic layouts my current sketchup is based on. Weapons placements are preliminary. About Level 0 About Level 3 About Level 5 General Key The arrows indicate ~1unit increase in elevation relative to the Level about X if pointed up, and respectively a decrease if pointed down. Sketchup Screenshots: Top View Overview from Behind Blue Red Base Upper Front Red Base Lower Front Command Center Cloak Ramps Blue Base Front & Extension Blue Base Side & Back How I will roll this map out: -I will publish screenshots of the map a day or two before launch to gauge interest. -Once the map geometry and basic objective items are placed I will publish that as a beta to get a wider range of feedback. -Break-in, I want people to try and break any geometry and expose any bugs or problems. -I will polish the map, test spawns, and everything else following that step. -Lots of gameplay testing. -Finished version I can do a lot by myself but will be looking for a lot of feedback in regards to weapon placement, spawns, map geometry, objective locations, etc. If I need specialized help in setting something up, I will update this post asking for it. If you are interested, feel free to message me here or on Live. My Gamertag: CenturionOmegaI (<-that is an uppercase 'i' at the end)
oh look, ANOTHER "Hang Em' High" remake. not to be mean or anything but it gets to be a little repetitive and tiresome. i mean remakes are cool and all but try doing something that HASN'T been done 10 times. just sayin'. other than that, if you still decide to make this, the extra budget/new items might just help to make a more accurate version. :ninja:
I completely understand your sentiment. Especially considering previous remakes, including my own have had so much to live up to, but lacked the resources to do so. I haven't seen any posted for Reach yet, and in some threads people still really want it.
you could always make a remake of ivor... oh **** whoops nevermind. what about midsh.... dammit. ummmmm, well **** just make some **** from halo 3 campaign. you KNOW that no one has done that before. maybe the last part of Sierra 117? :ninja:
This really isn't considered a "Map Preview" if there aren't any pictures to preview. "My remake idea" would have been more appropriate. But anyways, I'd love to see an accurate remake of Hang Em' High so if you can be the guy to to it, i'll download it for sure. I'm actually planning to remake a map myself, but I'm not spillin' the beans yet
I would love an ACCURATE Tombstone remake. Yeah, HeH was great, but Tombstone took that map and balanced it out a little better, and the sword was a fantastic addition. I'll check back to see your progress.
I posted layouts a few days ago, not many noticed this. But now I have also published Sketchup screenshots. I'm still concerned it's a bit early to share. These screenshots are very close to my current model, there were a couple of touch ups I made this morning that aren't shown, but it makes no real noticeable difference. What do you guys think?
I saw a picture perfect Reach Hang em' high remake on youtube today. Maybe you can download it tomorrow to get a good idea of spacing/what objects to use for your remake?
I'd like to see the link for that if it exists. I built mine with a conservative item limit in mind and my first priority isn't to make it picture perfect.
I think I know the video you are talking about. Link! Sorry, but if I were forced to say which looks better, Id say the one with the video/
A suggestion: If possible, try to use a cliff was as one of the outside walls off the map. That would give a little better sense of direction, and give it a little bit of a fresher look.Plus we're eventually all going to get sick of those big gray walls in Forge World like we did with the sand in sandbox and the crap in foundry. Also, I'd just like to say that your version of the map looks much more appealing than the other one(no offense intended to the guy that made that version. It was finished very fast and that attention to detail just wasn't possible). I Think your walkway construction is cleaner, and I like the decorations on the outside walkways a lot. Also I like how the little "table" stuctures are set into the ground like they should be.
I strongly disagree with you on that. The map attempts to just mimic Hang 'Em High but fails to do that well as a well-coordinated map or as a picture perfect remake. It has huge empty spaces and his geometry is crude at best. It sounds harsh, but it is my honest opinion and that of others I have looked at it with. Now, try the completed version of my map, the ForgeHub thread.
Not sure if you were referring to my post or the guy before me, but I should clarify and say I prefer your(centurionomegai) version of the map.
I apologize Suicufnoc. I should have quoted the other person, I disagreed with the post before yours. I wish I had actually seen your post before I finished making the remake. I like the idea of basing one wall against a cliff assuming I could find a suitable cliff face. I considered opening up the walls next to catwalks extending from blue base to add to the visual appeal. I'm sure it would be very controversial if I did. Maybe I'll make another variant down the road with those two changes.