This thread is for anyone like me who is picking up there copy of Halo: Reach at midnight releases. Since I am in New Zealand and will be amongst the first on this site to get my copy I will be hosting an online party in reach from the moment I get home with it (Say 12:30am on the 14th my time) Until I have to get off, which should be quite some time since I took the day off from work. It will pretty much be anything goes. Fiddling with Forgeworld and custom games an so on. I'll allow the maximum number of players and will ask that anyone willing to take command of smaller groups if we wish to split up for Firefight or campaign, say so in their posts below. So anyone wanting to get together and mess 'around' in 'Reach' sign up. First 16 get in. Post your gamertag and time you expect to be on. Time zone converter here for those that want to compare my times to theirs.
I'll be getting mine at Midnight, but I have school the next day. o.o So, I am honestly only getting it so I can have it when I get home the next day. (I wanted to skip and be a hard-ass but I don't feel like listening to my parents yell at me forever.)
I'm so cool that I convinced my mom to take me on a 2 hour camping trip in front of GameStop for the Halo: Reach Midnight Launch event, and to let me skip school the next day. I <3 my mommy.
LUCKY! I honestly hope that the mall I reserved it at will go along with this midnight release thing at the Gamestop in there. I asked one of the employees and he said that they will have one if the mall gives them the green light.
they could not have picked the date much more perfectly because i have off the day of the release.i don't even have to skip school. if you want to do some campaign first with me, that would be great. midnight release here i come! =)
I might be skipping school that day. My parents are giving me points if I do good things. If I get enough, I can stay home.
Lucky for me I don't work mondays or tuesdays, and I take my college courses at my own convenience. I'm probably gonna pull an all nighter in campaign. Oh, and doesn't the title of this thread sound a bit perverted to any one?...ok i'll get my head outta the gutter
Lucky I wish there was a midnight release near me I would so go to it, I'm getting overnight delivery so i guess I can't join you. Might wanna add the NZ time zone in the OP just make it easier for people, Is it NZST?
I hate you (not being serious of course). I have school the next day. And due to my excess amount of periods, I don't come out until 3:15. FML --- Reach around disguise me lol.
on the time zone converter I supplied it's just NZ. Not NZ-chat. No idea what that one is, but probably the same. From the looks of things I'll have at least a 2 hour head start on everyone else so will see what I get up to lol. And the title being a bit shady was my intent. It started with a slip of the tounge at work. --- Bum-bigaty. Any other takers? Come on folks I can't be the only one wanting some of this action.l