Damn, I was hoping there would be Ghost as a name. I guess I have to use Angel instead, for a cool new gametype idea...
It appears that I have not. I realize the fault. my apologies. Still, scrolling through all of those looks like it may get a tad tedious.
thats not what i was really asking, i was asking how those would work and if you found a way to somehow use the oddly named ones, congrats. i don't really see how medic could be used as a name though since there aren't any regenerators in reach.
Uh, heard of the Drop Shield? Not to be mean. There were also some videos showing the name Medic and the Drop Shield loadout.
the Drop Shield isn't a regenerator, its just a bubble shield pretty much. a good use or a medic would be for them to somehow heal people but no regenerators means no healing.
A Drop Shield is a bubble shield and a regenerator combined. If you have a bar of health, it will make you have full.
well fair enough, the reason it confused me was because i didn't know that it healed you. there's still the confusion with the other weird names though. :ninja: