Check out the Halo Reach Rap Song by artist Omega Sparx. Go to YouTube - Halo Reach Rap - Omega Sparx (This War) Check it out and Vote on it. Thanks
you should add subtitles also Are you sure this should go in reach discussion? seems like maybe "off topic" or "media" or something along those lines.
I just realized guys he only has 1 post, which is this. so keep in mind he may have just made this account to advertise his video, he is most likely not gonna reply to any of you or your comments on here so dont bother bumping this thread anymore.
we can still bump it for OTHER FH members to reply to our questions. like WHERE CAN I FIND THE LYRICS TO THIS ****?????
Thanks Sea Urchin, I'll get a copy of the Lyrics to you soon. I was the creator of this Song. I apologize for posting this in the wrong forum guys. Thanks for listening
i suggest posting a map or two so people don't think you joined the site just to advertise. btw they are VERY harsh on their judgment for maps sometimes. :ninja:
New member or not, this is still an amazing rap song! However, I don't think he should have made an account to get more views of his song. Maybe he didn't, maybe it's a coincidence, I doubt it though.