With the Multiplayer reveal yesterday, the press was exposed to the Perks and Killstreak list of Call of Duty: Black Ops. You may notice that Stopping Power is also gone, meaning weapons will not be reliant on it to preform well, will take longer to kill others, and add more variety in perk set ups. Perk Source Killstreak Source
I really like how this is looking so far. Sitrep looks much much much more useful. It sucks that you have to pick between marathon and ninja though. Do you have any idea what the money things are for in the Killstreaks?
EXP is now credits, which you use to by weapons, attachments, possibly camos, and of coarse, Killstreaks.
Ohhh alright. I thought it was an in game thing where you paid money during the game to use the killstreak. Thanks for clearing that up.
I can't help but wonder how the Napalm Strike, Mortar Team, Valkyrie Rockets, BlackBird, and Rolling Thunder will killstreaks look like.
I think it is: Napalm Strike---air strike Mortar Team--- like the 5 kill streak from cod waw Valkyrie Rockets---??? BlackBird--- stealth bomber Rolling Thunder--- pavelow
Wow, they are definitely moved around a lot. I just wish you didn't have to still pick from tiers, but rather any three from the entire list.
Valkyrie Rockets are the predator missile type things that you see on the multiplayer trailer. Basically, you get a care package that contains a launcher, you grab that - fie it - and control a rocket around the map. Im pretty sure you get two shots with it, could be wrong though. EDIT: just found this: Spoiler Source: Spoiler YouTube- Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer Revealed - Part 2
While I said I wasn't going to get Black Ops before, after seeing all the new features and stuff that Treyarch is putting into Multiplayer, I'm actually impressed and I'm going to buy Black Ops. I absolutely hated MW2, but it looks like Black Ops will really try to be better than MW2. I only hate that Second Chance is back, and while it lasts 10 seconds (instead of 30 from WaW!!!) it's still Second Chance, and it's kinda unforgivable, but...well I suppose I'll be okay with it, even though it does have a nasty habit of totally ruining Hardcore Search & Destroy. Well the new customization and gamemodes (especially One In The Chamber) look like a lot of fun, and the fact that Stopping Power and Juggernaut are nowhere to be found is pretty sweet. And thankfully there's no Nuke, and I've heard from people that played the game that the Gunship killstreak is not like the AC-130, it's a bit less destructive. For now, my perks and killstreaks would be: Scavenger, Sleight of Hand, and Marathon (I refuse to be a Second Chance noob!) Actually, there are a lot of perk combos that appeal to me. Sweeeet!
Agreed. From what they showed us in the MP trailer it really didn't show anything compared to what we know now, and i did jump the gun on my opinions of Treyarch and this game. I'll still be waiting for it to come out before deciding, but it's a helluva lot more likely that i will buy it.
@ Wood Wonk: You're a noob. No, don't debate with me. lol Marathon and Ninja are nice, Hacker Pro seems pretty insane, and Tactical Mask is lolfail, but if I have to I can select Second Chance without sacrificing the slot to another epic-useful perk, so it's really not so bad. Plus I get to be a team player. Yeah, maybe Black Ops will be great (says the fool).
The blackbird is a completely different kind of plane to any that drops conventional bombs. I'm sure it would say B52 or something if it was a full fledged air strike. However Rolling Thunder refers to Operation Rolling Thunder from Vietnam, which was more of the kind of air strike your referring to. I think RT is like Stealth Bomber from MW2, and Blackbird is more like Precision Strike.
You can also see them in this video of gameplay on Cracked. YouTube - Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer Gameplay - Cracked
I'm enjoying everything so far except one thing. Kill streaks stop at 11 kills. I really liked how MW2 introduced extended kill streaks, especially high kill streaks. I'm definitely not asking for the nuke back, or EMP, but some kill streaks that went above 11. It was quite fun challenging yourself for those high ones, having all your adrenaline rushing when you're a couple of kills away.
You know what's nice is that kills you gain from killstreaks DO NOT add to your spree. In other words, your airstrikes and RC-XDs and all that stuff will NOT get you more kills in your spree; you have to get your kills by yourself. I think that's a pretty neat way to keep players from raping by getting all their powerful killstreaks quickly.
trollin SnD with a group of my buddies all using second chance was the greatest thing about any CoD game ever.