[9/2/10 9:23:39 PM] James (Grif): Hey LOL [9/2/10 9:23:57 PM] Aaron (Insane54): heylow [9/2/10 9:24:01 PM] James (Grif): I won a raffel! [9/2/10 9:24:07 PM] Aaron (Insane54): ORLY? [9/2/10 9:24:14 PM] James (Grif): I mean raffle [9/2/10 9:24:27 PM] James (Grif): I get to go out with either a senior girl or guy on a date [9/2/10 9:24:42 PM] James (Grif): i mean the prize is a joke [9/2/10 9:25:08 PM] James (Grif): But I still told him we should go out [9/2/10 9:25:08 PM] Aaron (Insane54): :O [9/2/10 9:25:13 PM] Aaron (Insane54): him [9/2/10 9:25:19 PM] Aaron (Insane54): ...interesting [9/2/10 9:25:20 PM] Aaron (Insane54): lol [9/2/10 9:25:23 PM] James (Grif): lol [9/2/10 9:25:42 PM] James (Grif): I'm not actually gay, but I feel like it would be fun to act as gay as possible for a year [9/2/10 9:26:10 PM] James (Grif): Maybe I'll try it next year [9/2/10 9:26:38 PM] James (Grif): After that I might dye my skin blue for a year [9/2/10 9:26:41 PM] James (Grif): That should be neat [9/2/10 9:26:49 PM] James (Grif): Maybe I'll get a job with Blue Man group [9/2/10 9:30:22 PM] Aaron (Insane54): lol [9/2/10 9:30:29 PM] Aaron (Insane54): that would be epic [9/2/10 9:30:40 PM] James (Grif): What else could I do?
It's kay, you can trust me. I really have feelings for you and I'm sure you giving me your virinity will only bring us closer.
My story above, was actually recently. So I guess she was more of Sophmore.. Oh ****! Agamer, I showed you a picture of her before on teh faicbooks!
kinda creepy if she was still frosh. i still got a month and a half of being 17 and it being fairly acceptable
EVERYONE, hates freshmen, even teachers. First thing you do when you get into high school if you don't want to be hated like the rest of the freshmen is drop those douchey habits you made in middle school such as being a **** to everyone. Don't get me wrong though, you will still be collectively hated because of the fact you're a freshy.
Oddly enough, I was never a **** to anyone in Middle School and everyone I keep meeting loves me. If not for my size and my 15" scar on my right leg, I'm not sure how HS woulda been for me.. Either way, some kids were behind me and one said to his friend, "I could probably kick this kids ass." The other goes, "I'm going to laugh if he turns around and kicks the **** outta you." Then, I say with my Fake-Irish Accent, "Y`know I can hear you, right?" Finally, the girl with them looks at me and goes, "OMG!! You're soooo adorable!" I just said thanks and went on my way.
YouTube - Radiohead - Like Spinning Plates video music bump also trivia, Thom Yorke when recording vocals for this song recorded vocals normally, reversed the track, learned to sing reversed, and then recorded him singing it backwards. He then reversed that recording to make the vocals sound eerie and cryptic. Also another interesting note on this song, the reverse of the vocal melody is another Radiohead song, I Will. YouTube- radiohead - i will proof. YouTube- Radiohead - I Will & Spinning Plates Backwards