Over Drive Is a Symmetrical foundry map ideal for MLG TS, CTF, And Team Ball. There are two bases on each side complete with a roof and an acces rout to the roof's. (Doors) There are Teleporters in two of the corners that allow easy acces to the other side (However they cause a problem for CTF). In The other corners there are Ramps that lead up to side bases similar to midships sides. There is only one ramp on each side similar to Beaver Creek. There are 6 Br's placed on the map, 4 are next to each sign except the higher signs and 2 are placed in the underside of the side bases. There are two carbines placed on the doors on the sides. and there is one mauler placed in under the open box in the center top. Link to download: http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=20455249 Pics: Over Drive Blue Base http://s295.photobucket.com/albums/mm159/CR0553D/?action=view¤t=ODblue.jpg Over Drive Red Base Side A Side B Center
I posted some suggestions in the other thread...you might want to check 'em out before the mods delete one of these two topics.
Maybe you clicked twice when you originally posted this, and I don't think you can delete your own threads, so just let it be and either it'll die or the mods will take care of it.
dude i love it i guess this is the final version.well it looks really nice u finally finished it.But i do suggest getting bigger pics because those are to small EDIT by Furious: There is another thread for this map with better pics. Click here. So this thread is locked.