The Blood Gulch Bridge is a BTB map, designed for all your favorite gametypes for BTBs. I'm saying 12-16 RvB styled combat. The Bridge is built between montana and alaska, where the falcon flies through in the forge world vidoc. Here. It's a human looking bridge, arches supporting the road, the things like that. More aesthetics will be added as soon as I see how much is required for the build of what you see now. That being said it's not completely done, but what sketchup map IS? Overviews: Vehicle Spawn: Vehicles might change, this are just what I thought wasn't too overpowered as the map is right now. The Bases: Close together huh, still you'd be unable to get to it easily. Lots of ways. Walkways that lead up to the bridge, the bridge walkways may end up having the covers put over them to add more cover for walking troops: Imagine falling to the gulch floor after missing a jump: That's a LONG way back up: Blocks are spent, I can't use any more. Everything else I should be fine on. So keep that in mind please. Questions comments and Suggestions greatly appreciated.
Hmm, I like it so far. I shall make some concept sketches for the aesthetic side of things See what i can/cant do.
add some flashing lights and you got yourself a party dock! but seriously, that bridge is ****ing huge. you would most likely need to add more to this though.
A bit of overkill on the bridge isn't it? I suppose if is its own standalone map (which it seems to be) then it will be all right. You might want to add some-more cover on the lower walkways exiting the bases and maybe place some debris on the bridge deck for cover as well. Engineers POV: (jokingly of course =P) Piss poor bridge design in terms of structuring. Arches are meant to distribute a suspended or stacked uniform load via heavy compressive forces to abutments on the sides of the structure. You have no suspension systems to transfer the load from the deck to the compression members (arches). The deck is not to highway spec for gradation. The slenderness ratio will increase deflection to dangerous level. The weight of the spans will surely create a serious moment of inertia about the beam connections. The main deck will probably suffer bearing failure about the primary deck connection. I see a highway gradation of about 14% which makes the speed limit and line of sight for travel very low. I would not pass this bridge for design. (I like the map though =D)
LOL... I started thinking of my mechanical drawing class when I saw this bridge and was thinking... those arches would never support that bridge. Fond memories of our bridge building project in class and seeing how much weight our bridges could support. Would be funny to see that bridge collapse under the weight of those two Wraiths.
Haha that's awesome. Onto the sketchup, while it does look like a fantastic concept, I'm not too sure as to how it will play with a standard gametype. The design itself is similar to Narrows. Now, while it is a decent map, the only reason it works is because of the lifts for easy access to either sides and lessen traffic in the middle areas. To be honest this map doesn't look that much bigger than Narrows which is built for 4v4 or 5v5s I think so I don't know about BTB. I would recommend lowering the angle of the ramps on the bridge as well because they look pretty sharp. Personally I think that due to the map being linear and all the traffic mainly in one central area, this would work out better for a Big Team Conquest gametype.. coyote1023 and I made a couple maps in Halo 3 for a Big Team Conquest game(Pipeworks and Coolant Fields in signature) both of which worked. I won't try taking your idea for Reach of course so best of luck
I like it. I like the way you have the walkways under the bridge. reminds me of half life 2. also, what are you gonna have on the ends of the bridge? Like behind the vehicles?
i like the underbridge stuff! nice touch. the arcs kind of make it look ugly, maybe you should put columns below instead? just a thought... also i see a lot of people using many coliseum walls, do you guys really think we can use soo many?
We can use at least 50 of 'em, so no shortage there. I like how you used the Original Blood Gulch bases as part of the map; I've been trying to come up with a way to use them, but it seems you beat me to it.
I really liked the idea of this map, not to sure about the whole design but one thing I noticed is that it looks like you had 4 different lights on the map. (2 red on the top of the bridge and 1 blue and 1 red to mark the bases) The only problem with this, is that in forge you can only place 2 lights at a time.
i wasnt referring to cover but yea sure. i was referring to the fact that this map is JUST A BRIDGE. ADD SOME BASES OR SOMETHING.
I'm thinking something like this, but angled after middle, right next to the waterfall. I really like how you used the columns as arches. This could be a very interesting vehicle map fit with falcons and tanks.