Damnation (Working Title)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by EntropyAD, Aug 29, 2010.

  1. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    Hello Forgers! This is a Google Sketchup of a symmetric map designed with incorporating the speed and vertical nuance armor abilities. I remained within the budget and limits of pieces, as far as I could tell with the limited information we have. (There are less than 50 walls, etc).

    The map itself is going to be a dam. Missing from the pictures is the wall that will cover the front of the dam itself, due to sketch-up crashing on me :( Luckily, the rest of the structure is there.

    With the new armor abilities that Reach is featuring comes an increase in speed. With the jetpack coming I wanted to build a map that utilizes it in a fun and strategic way. The loadouts will take this into account. The essence of the map is basically a zero bent in the middle ninety degrees.

    It is meant for slayer and objective based games, with a heavy emphasis on CTF style games. The flags will spawn on the bottom floor of the dam itself near the glass ramp leading to a grav lift. There are three routes to get to the enemies side. Along the top, with little cover. Across the middle bridge, with a bit more cover. Or the mongoose jump at the front of the map. Teleporters may provide an alternate route if playtesting proves the need.

    I am using the working title "Damnation" and hope that someone here can give me a more creative and fitting name.

    The map itself will be nudged in the canyon opening that leads to the sea near Hemorrhage's area. taking care to leave enough water beneath to maintain the aesthetic.

    Remember there IS going to be a wall covering the entire front of the dam utilizing the "Colosseum Wall" pieces.


    Dam Detail

    Overhead View

    Front View

    I am accepting and incorporating any advice I can get. I do plan to make an artful structure along the front center of the dam. I also plan on building this the minute I finish campaign so it can be playtested early and often. Thank you for any advice given!
  2. Mr Pokeyope

    Mr Pokeyope Forerunner

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    You should set it up near one of the waterfalls for some cool aesthetics. Just set it up so you don't get jetpack it woul be too overpowering
  3. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    I plan on using kill volumes both above and below the map to reign them in. Through playtesting I will eliminate anything that either overpowers or slows gameplay down.

    I'm going to see if I can capture a screen shot from the Forgeworld vidoc, where I plan on building it.

    And thanks!
  4. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    Definitely build it into one of the cliffs on forgeworld to make it more interesting and building near the water would help make it more interesting too. You seem to have too many choke points for player trying to reach the top, and they are in the open the entire time which could lead to some epic camping of the ledges. Jetpacks would allow players to get up there, but it's best to give players with other armor abilities a chance.
  5. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    Holy crap, add some water/walls, and this map will be perfect. Putting this on my list of "to watch".

    And that list only has one map. ;)
  6. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    Thank you very much! :D

    As to build site, I AM taking waterfalls into heavy consideration since its requested alot.

    The openess in the actual map will be far less when the dam has its front wall... I can add a few more false walls to add some cover along the bottom and ledges.

    Im thinking of placing a killball bottom center int he water. adding some dishes to either side and make it a generator for some "flavor". What do yall think?
  7. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    Jet packs seems really over powered. I would add more ways to up.
  8. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I would suggest adding the high walkways on the opposite side of the map too. on the front wall of the dam, to be clear. the walkways that go up the back wall only have 2 ways up, and will be very easy to camp. Add both mancannons and teleporters for people to get up, along with at least one other walking route.
  9. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    I'll use some teleporters and add another ramp along the mid to back area with some walkway cover. As to mancannons i can tilt one up and put it along the inside to make two ways up through the inside of the dam.

    Thanks for the input again all!
  10. Jay Rockn Weezy

    Jay Rockn Weezy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should make it so the waterfall comes down from the middle for great asthetics
  11. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    I'll try it at the waterfalls first and see if it works better there. :D

    edit: My only fear is that there will be ALOT of waterfall maps and I don't want this map to get lost in the shuffle. I suppose if it plays well however that won't be a problem, and thanks btw!
    #11 EntropyAD, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  12. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'd replace the house or whatever they are called walls and add in the walkway cover, think about cover up those stairs and along straight aways. It's a nifty design for the area you going to make it but the LOS on many places is so large that a DMR or a lazy Needler guy will gut you like a fish before you make it to cover. Also with the little bridge there between the sides little or no traffic will happen up the big stairs unless you put power weapons or objective peices up there.

    Keep in mind that while it looks good people will take the cheap route 9/10, and that 1 time they don't it's because the other guy camped with a shotty.
  13. Julenissen666

    Julenissen666 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Next to the waterfall, and some lights would be cool for this map. I'm not sure, but maybe if you set some lights next to the waterfall(or inside the waterfall), the waterfall might reflect the color from the lights.
  14. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    Along the top run I'll place rockets.. that should get people driving down that hall at points.

    As far as cover along the stairs I can see what I can come up with after budget... tunnel pieces perhaps?

    The little bridge can feature a turret, I was thinking of making a covered platform dead middle. Placing either sword or grav hammer there, and make a tertiary path out from the back...

    I'll definitely play with the colored orbs and see if I cant do this at the top end of the waterfall to take advantage of the shadowed overhang. I'll also color pieces appropriately so even if there is no callout function, the combined coloration from the walls and lights will lend itself to distinguishable callouts.

    Thank you all again for your input! Keep it coming.. the community can only help make this better! :D
  15. GodlyManSteak

    GodlyManSteak Forerunner

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    dood entropy! **** yeah!
    this stuff looks kick ass!
    im so down for playtesting it when it comes out man.
  16. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    A waterfall would be great. Anyway I like this map. Just mainly the way it looks. Love how there is walkways going up, the towers towards the other end especially. You could call you map River or the River, that is what my upcoming map is called, but it is only a waterfall with a river the rest I am trying to make symmetrical, for example the bases. You could use that title I really could care less because I don't know when I will get my map posted. Damnation is a good title too.
  17. EntropyAD

    EntropyAD Forerunner

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    Cool just send me a message on my Gamertag, same as above and I'll start making a list of playtesters. I'll update the OP with that list! Thank You! :D
    Edit: LOL Didnt realize that was from Steakyness, hey homie!

    Thanks again! Unfortunately there was a Halo CE map with the name Damnation I think. But I'll find something before its complete Im sure. I might get lucky and have someone stumble on a name during playtesting.
    #17 EntropyAD, Sep 2, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  18. Dracelix

    Dracelix Forerunner

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    looks great. and probably would look awesome in a waterfall or a cliff edge.

    i think it might be a little too open though, perhaps you could cover up the stairs when when walking up you cant see or shoot, but on the flat sections between each stairs have a part to aim and shoot.
    or perhaps some shield barriers, so people can look, but not shoot without falling off the stairs.

    also, it would be cool if you added some sort of flat open part underneath it, so players could jump down there, for a power weapon os such, but have the platform low enough for them not to be able to jump back up to the bottom section, so they will have a decent weapon, but everyone can shoot at them from an upper level.
  19. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Forerunner

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    like I said, go ahead and use the title is you want, I'm not posting The River on Halo 3. I'm Re-creating the map on Reach, I'm Calling the one on Reach, River3.0.
  20. DownfieldCrown

    DownfieldCrown Forerunner

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    Omg its beautiful ill download when you forge... Fantastic!!!!

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