Exemption is my final map to be released onto Forgehub, and in order for it to go out with a bang I asked MultiLockOn to kindly Photoshop the thread for Exemption and he did. Thanks a ton Multi! I forged Exemption with the thought of my older map; Exhibition, in mind. Forged roughly in a month, Exemption provides just about the best gameplay out of all my other competitive maps with the cleanest forging and most aesthetics. Built from the ground up on an OLN Budget Glitch Towers Blocked canvas, there are as many objects on the map as possible, though laggy matches were never a problem. Please play Exemption with 4-14 players. When forging Exemption, I had the gametypes; Capture The Flag, King of The Hill, and Team Slayer set in mind, and that still stands now. I'm sorry I cannot provide you with a weapon list, but really this map was supposed to be released a month ago... I don't have the time to compile a list or even edit some photos. It's also 5:00 AM where I'm at right now, and I'm kinda tired, so I'm gonna go to bed now. Once again I'd like to thank MultiLockOn for Photoshoping every image in this thread, and all the testers who showed up for testing! Some of you might also be wondering where my purple went, and the reason for the disappearance of my custom title and purple name kinda ties in with the reason this map may have a couple issues. I am currently using an extremely bad internet provider named Clear or Clearwire. I've got a download speed of 0.50 MB/s, and truse me, that's awful. You've probably got a download speed of about 10 or 20 MB/s right now... So despite the fact that I posted Exemption in the Testers Guild, it was never tested, and I was unable to test it because I'm constantly lagging out of games and/or have a red bar connection. Also, my purple was lost because I haven't been able to test a map in the Testers Guild for about a month because my Mom hasn't switched us over to Comcast yet. C'mon Mom... If I don't get some decent internet before Reach releases, I'm gonna be pissed. Thanks for checking out my map, now look at the pictures below and then download my map. MultiLockOn's my hero.
Nice map I like the idea of building a map out in the darkness like that. My only concern is that getting out of your map is very very easy. I haven't played the map yet, but it seems like there could be a problem with people being able to simply walk out of the map.
Try playing the map first, before you post. You would've realized Conker's got that "problem" in the bag. I want to apologize Conker, I wasn't around very often when this was last in the Testers Guild. The map itself is stunning in aesthetics and gameplay (especially KotH). The way the lights shine on this map are like nothing i've ever seen. Hopefully your Mom gets her **** together before Reach.
This looks great, even though you said it wasn't tested. That last picture makes me think "WTF happened there?" with the one living blue with all the dead guys around him. And where'd you get the actions shots from if you didn't test?
Dude awsome map! I really like how its out in the dark I have never seen that on any other map before.
Didn't you look at any of the picture man. He built a two story wall all around the map. Good luck trying to get out of the that map!
Wow, I downloaded this about 3 days ago... Anyway, the rocket spawn looks awesome, with the light that doesn't even look like a color, and I love the snipers.... Just love them. I did a 2v2 on it, and does very well. Weapons are great, and I love the structures. Although, people just went outside of the map a few times. That kind of got annoying, but this is awesome. I simpley love it! I like the base layouts too, forgot to mention. Anyway, awesome, 9.75/10
Thanks for the posts everybody especialy Nibs! I've been getting plenty of downloads, but no feedback. I'm quite surprised that this didn't get that much attention, but I guess it has to do with Reach being around the corner and school starting. Anyways, quit playing Modern Warfare 2 and play my map. Thanks for the pictures Multi... I can never thank you enough.
Thanks for the posts everybody especialy Nibs! I've been getting plenty of downloads, but no feedback. I'm quite surprised that this didn't get that much attention, but I guess it has to do with Reach being around the corner and school starting. Anyways, quit playing Modern Warfare 2 and play my map. Thanks for the pictures Multi... I can never thank you enough.