What would you think of it If I took a risk and posted a giant trash pit on foundry? would you find it revolutionary, or noobish? I want an oponion before I post a map that trashes my forging rep. By the way, I am NOT TRYING TO PROMOTE MY MAP! please reply
It has been done before many times. It isn't an original idea, but if you could actually pull some originality out of it, I would be amused. I am not saying don't, but there isn't much point.
Its basically Random crap everywhere. stairs going nowhere, and stuff. Great for KoTH and territories
So you want my download, eh? It's basically territories that are set up in a particular fashion as to be a power struggle. Kinda like North Korea/South Korea.
Usually conquest has a couple of off target bases for each side then a central area, and the point is to take them all, so it makes a battle on holding ground a pushing forward.
Both Faction and Cellars are featured conquest maps, you can check them out to get an idea of their style/concept.
Lol I saw you playing the map your talking about last night I believe. Send me an invite when your on next..and I will come check it out (I will lol)