YouTube- Call of Duty Black Ops Wager Match Trailer [HD] Looks really cool. Psyching me out for this game.
Haha, i would have to agree with this. From what i've seen from Hutch's gameplay, the game looks to be much more polished than MW2 ever was, and some of the features they have added are indeed amazing. I'll have to wait for more videos and information, but this game actually might be worth the buy. If not for Christmas xD.
I might ask for it for Christmas or something. It's looking a little better, but Reach is going to completely rape any other game for the Xbox 360 anyways.
Looks pretty sweet, but they literally ripped the gungame fro counterstrike. Exact same concept, kill, get a gun. Get knifed, go back a gun. Could they at least have made something original like the other ones? I'm dissapointed.
Looks pretty cool I guess, just like every new CoD game that gets me to buy it but I get pissed at it at like second prestige. I'd get it, but their's this new Halo game coming out...
Supposebly its running on MW2 engine so I will not buy it no matter what. Wager matches look cool though, but I personnaly think they won't last long.
Just found out there are 50 levels and only 5 prestiges this time around. Thank god. More time for Halo Reach!