Restruct [Sketchup] [WIP]

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by TheGreatHibiki, Sep 1, 2010.


What do you think?

Poll closed Sep 15, 2010.
  1. I like it.

  2. it's okay.

    0 vote(s)
  3. I don't like it.

  4. Just stick to remaking Construct

  5. Other (please post in thread why)

  1. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Restruct, was, originally a Construct remake map, You'll see some familiar things. However from the moment I got to the bottom level (you know where blue team spawns) things began... changing. Ideas started to mold into others and Restruct was born. Gold lift was changed into red base, The bottom became a pit of death with only a small path up to under each base (not shown), the blank area around the sides of the lift level became the next step to a higher platform.

    Please note the Bricks have been pulled away to allow you to see the multiple levels, there is more cover and less line of sight on some of these levels than you see now. Not all walkways are made yet to allow further access to bases and levels, as seen it is a Work In Progress in all ways.

    A base and a good view of the map:

    UPDATE: Okay I put the walls back and finnished up the walkways. Note that I hit the object limit in four out of the six categories.
    And yes I know it was some bad shots originally but I wasn't certain how to get the look I was going for. I finally had to move around in a master chief item and look from his POV to get the right angles.

    Blue base Grav lift from second floor to fourth exit:

    Blue base main area (old Construct Sword room) [​IMG]
    Blue base overview:
    Red base (Not that it matters because both sides are symeterical) walkway from first to fourth floor and their cover:
    Grav lift bottom section, the covers gives direction for any wayword spartan:
    Grav lift from other side: (Becaused it looks cool)
    The old construct Sniper Spawn. Now there are two and a reasonable distance from one another, this is THE most direct route from base to base, it is also the most barren and open spot o nthe map, for a reason. If you want to risk it you gain alot, but I feel death toll in this location is 80%.
    Just like in construct you have two paths up to the base (sword) spawn, this would be the third most direct route, the path up has been expanded to allow some wiggle room but your moving towards a higher entrenched location from a very open one, come prepared:
    Just like the old sniper spawn had a bubble shield, the new rendition has a drop shield, not the strongest but an adequate defense again a lot of fire. Is it worth the almost certain death to get it? You decide:
    Above the old Sniper points comes a new addition, a semi covered walkway just under the Instant death barrier. It's the highest point on the map, it holds the new sniper location, but is it safe enough? You decide:
    The lower level, level one, is the most changed, as I was running out of materials and frankly since I haven't played on construct in months and really couldn't remember all the little things I just sort of thre what I could down there to provide cover and intresting things. Three platforms are the cover, on the landing pads to either end under the bases lie jeptacks to allow you a way out other than being killed or jumpin to your death:
    The way into the lowest level, a power weapon be found here:
    More interesting weapons are below, but you gotta take a risk someone didn't take the packs, or that pretty weapon you just traded up for is worthless:
    For those who question why it look so open, crates, sandbags and the like are not added yet, also while the jet pack could break the map bungie provided us with a way to deal with it. Red lines mean instant death barriers:

    Questions? Comments? Suggestions? All are Greatly Appreicated.

    Should I continue to add to this map? Should I merely return to a construct remake?
    #1 TheGreatHibiki, Sep 1, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  2. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I wants to say this map is good but I've no idea.

    You should post some more detailed pictures.
    What you have there isn't sufficient to say much about it. When you take screen shots, make the design take up as much of the screen as possible. No sense wasting bandwidth on open sky in the pictures. I think I see some internal structure, but your pics do not show it well.

    It does look like you require more cover on the top level of the map but other than that, we need more pics to judge.

    It does look like a really good map though =)
    #2 FreckleEars, Sep 1, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  3. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    post some better pictures of the map, as of right now it looks like a mess (no offense) because I can't distinguish which part is which part.
  4. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Video walkthrough plox? I can't see much of the map besides the top and the side. Look up Camstudio to record it for free.
  5. Xang

    Xang Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I was in the middle of making a contruct remake :(

    Im still going to make mine >:D, good luck with your map, its looking pretty nice. More pics would be nice.
  6. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Fixed the post more pictures and more details. sorry about that guys.
  7. Hogframe

    Hogframe Ancient
    Senior Member

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    A few things I don't like:

    Two things that I don't like are the fact that there are three Snipers on a wide, open map. I would recomend replacing the Third top Sniper with a rocket/Splaser, set to high respawns. Also, maybe you should add more power weapons for variety. Don't go overboard; two or so more Power Weapons, along with all heavy weaponry being set to long-ish respawns with small clips should be a winning formula for your map.

    As for the map itself, there seems to be little flow going on. Risk v. Reward is literally the only thing driving you to some areas. Now, flow is a map per map thing. There is no insta-fix for this, and there is no sure-fire way for me to know indefinitely that this map lacks flow. I am only stating my opinions on the matter. Read this for a solid understanding on what causes "good" player movement.

    One last thing: This is an icredibly small complaint, but I'd recomend you don't put a Hard Kill barrier above the high platform. Now listen to the full stroy: The way you made it sound, people will die instantly if they try to Jetpack, Grenade Jump, or anything while on "the barrrier that is just below the Hard Kill barrier." I would honestly recomend you use a Soft Kill barrier (the one with the 10 second countdown) right above the platform so that players know they're not supposed to go up there, and then a Hard Kill barrier (the insta-kill one) a little ways above the Soft Kill barrier. You'll avoid "Oh mah gawd wtf I wasn't supposed to go there?!" comments, while still being able to deliver Justice upon Flying Sniper Douchebags who try to abuse your map.


    Fix these few problems, and your map is likely to be pretty damned populer.

    #7 Hogframe, Sep 2, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 2, 2010
  8. TheGreatHibiki

    TheGreatHibiki Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Actually just the one. I am using the names for places in construct that me and my friends use, sorry for the confusion. The Sniper spawn was the large platform out to nothing that you had to run out for the sniper and a pair of plasma grenades for on contrstuct. The area on the top, the place a easy jetpack will leap over is going to be barren as the day is long, Or I will have a lone plasma on each side of the leap, that way there is some reason other than objective running to go that way.

    For power weapons, I'm thinking rockets or something on the mid level there on the XXL platform that you can hop straight down from those middle platforms to (with risk of damage) or putting the rockets or other power weapon on the bottom level that a jet pack is the only way back up. Flow does seem a little halted on this map, I'm still working on it but item wise I'm strapped. All i can really do at this point is take away. If it comes to that I may shrink the map down a lot.
    Risk vs Reward always seemed to me like the concept in construct, as was the camping of certain areas.
    I was already thinking about this, I probably will build the map and see how it goes from there.

  9. Noizzy Rabbit

    Noizzy Rabbit Forerunner

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    Looks cool, cant wait to see how it turns out!

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