
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rantick, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    Protocalyss actualy means quite a bit to me. It is the first map I have ever planned, instead of just messing around in forge and accidentaly making something which resembles a map. It is also the first map I am making on reach. I chose the name Protocalyss(Pronounced Pro-tocal-iss) because proto means first and catalyst means something that makes a change. I shortened catalyst because it would have been a mouthful otherwise.​

    anyways, onto the screenies =D​

    this is an overview of my map. It shows the two bases which are symetrical and it shows you the center court of the map, as well as the two sniper spots. It currently doesn't have much aesthetical places, but when I play on Reach and get an idea of how well I can merge things together I will add more =)​

    this is one of the bases in the map. The little room with the cheif is where you will spawn in team-based games, but in a FFA you will spawn in random places in the map. It also has my custom turret spot. In the bottom left corner you can see one of the entries to the base, covered by a forcefield. It also has a ramp to one of the sniper spots, which is the huge bannister.​

    Turret Spot
    this is my custom turret spot. I am actualy unsure of whether or not to put a turret here, as it might dominate the map. Obviously both bases have one of these. It has a forcefield behind it so that you can use it as an easy way to kill people in their base.​

    The Bannister
    This is the previously mentioned bannister. A sniper will spawn here, and I am thinking of adding some cover. Whether to make it easier for the sniper, or just for aesthetics, as it seems a bit plain to me.​

    Center Court
    This is the main courtyard, where a good half of the combat should be happening. The two turret spots have a clear shot of the entire court. The center will have a weapon spawn. Methinks rockets should go here, but I dunno.​

    The Other Sniper
    as you see I havn't actualy got a name for this yet, but I think a beam rifle will spawn here. I may make this accesable by either jet pack or teleporter, dunno yet(again). I may also add a sniper tower on top to limit the sniper's view, because currently he can see the entire map, as well as everyone in the map seeing him. Dunno. Underneith you can see that there is a narrow tunnel, which will have a weapon, I think it will be a shotgun, as a hammer would push someone off the edge where they would easily drop to their death. The sword is also a high possibility here.​

    • This map is my first map that will take time. Therefore, I want it to be good =)everything in this map is open for debate, especialy where I have stated I am unsure of what to do. I am hoping you can all help me out with this =D​
    • Yes, I really do expect you to believe that is what a forcefield looks like :p
    • You can see the original thread and the old blueprints here
    #1 Rantick, Sep 1, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  2. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I like it but my suggestions are:

    - Make it so it variates height a little more towards the middle because as of right now the upper walkways would completely dom dominate the map
    - Try to place weapons where they can't manipulate entire maps. Ex: If I put Sniper at rocket spawn on Highground the team with sniper would destroy the enemy
    - Maybe add a little more paths or make it smaller because as of right now it is very empty and large

    Also how do you make the note dots things?
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Why would anyone in their right minds go down those crazy long hallways? You might want to consider re-designing this; you have way too many narrow paths and too few large spaces to travel freely. No successful competitive map in any FPS has what you have for a reason: it doesn't offer good gameplay. IMO this needs a lot of re-working, although I can certainly appreciate you planning ahead. My suggestion would be to, at the very least, to open up those halls and make them accessible from multiple locations. And I'd definitely ditch "the bannister" or add some sight blockers in the middle of the map. As it is you can see every part of the map from there, which is not good.
  4. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This map looks good but it still needs some work.

    - there needs to be railings in the center area
    - the long hallways need changed as you cant see over the walls covering them
    - some hight variation, maybe another banister perpendicular from the original banister to above the center of the map
  5. RodziR

    RodziR Forerunner

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    It looks good but there's too much open space in the middle of the map. And I would put another level to the middle.
  6. MaxSterling

    MaxSterling Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Beam rifle no longer exists.
  7. Rantick

    Rantick Forerunner

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    focus rifle I meant. I always think of it as a beam rifle because it is alien and has a beam coming out of it :p

    and thanks for the help everyone. I am working on the map now, with the help of sticky =)

    and the weapon placements may be swapped, but I am not sure if it would help. For example, the sniper where the rocket spawns, and the hammer where the sniper spawns. And Squid, the sight isn't as good as you belive. The bases are in lockdown because of the glass panes, though when the map is made I may need to make them bigger, and the tunnels will have roofs(roovs/rooves/how do you spell it?) and I am considering making tunnels from the center court to the tunnels from the bases. Also, I am thinking of making a second court above the first, which can be entered from the banister and possibly the other sniping point, dunno :/ decisions...
    #7 Rantick, Sep 1, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  8. Col Keller

    Col Keller Ancient
    Senior Member

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    your hallways are to narrow and to long, leaving no room to "dance". That one point where the three hallways meet leaves a major choke point and all your map control will fall to holding this position. Also it will end up being to open in your outer areas, allowing for players to get easy kills with any mid-ranged weapon/ pistol.
  9. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    Not really much to it, looks like there is too much cover in the hallways and bases, maybe take a little off, or add to it and not add any more cover unless it is something like a sniper tower. Many things you could still do. Maybe a sniper tower in both the bases. You could widen the map so snipers don't have a good enough advantage as they would do here.
  10. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    if you want to make a good map, youve got some serious redesigning that needs to be done. wayy to many narrow, one way walkways and not enough dance floor. i can you right now that the map you have there will not play very well.
  11. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'd hate to be a hater but without constructive criticism, you will never think you are doing anything wrong. The people saying this map is good are lying to you. This map needs to be overhauled considerably or scraped and started anew if you want it to get some love. You really need to imagine yourself playing on this map to figure out if it will play well with all the new AA and weapons etc.

    The Deal-breakers:

    • Little variation in elevation.
    • Too many narrow walkways.
    • No room for open space combat.
    • Very little cover.
    • Too many long lines of sight.
    • Very little option to switch base attack paths along the path.
    The Useful:

    I mean the bases are pretty good and simple but the connections are just horrid. Re-work those narrow walkways with more open spaces, more cover in those spaces, and more options to change paths and this map will work out nice.

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