Sandbox Urban Combat

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by ChemicalCarnage, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. ChemicalCarnage

    ChemicalCarnage Ancient

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    2nd post on Forge Hub. Urban Combat is for Zow Junior's VIP gametype: Invasion Slayer. However it doesn't have any loadouts. Instead it's just a straight out urban battle. The Covenant attack from a small base on the hill and the UNSC control most of the city from the start. Every so often a gauss warthog will be dropped at the LZ and a banshee will be supplied to Covenant forces at the same time. The city's sections are named by the features there: The LZ, The Bridge, The Courtyard, The Radio Station, The Sniper Tower and the Covenant Base. By the way, Urban Combat is a place holder name whilst I think of a better name.

    Side view

    Covie Base.

    The LZ

    Sniper Vantage Point

    Awesome sauce gameplay

    More awesome sauce gameplay

    Download: "I can't link my gamertag to my Windows Live ID for some reason. If you want to DL it just message me. Gamertag: ChemicalCarnage"

    Also: "I do not have any strong feelings towards merging so please do not give responses like: 'This map needs more merging.' or 'Not much merging here.' "

    Have fun! >_<

    #1 ChemicalCarnage, Sep 1, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2010
  2. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good thing Reach is coming out soon, many people of Forgehub prefer their maps to be pretty close to perfect before they'll download them. Luckily it'll be much easier to merge in 14 days.

    However, I do like the map. Despite the limited merging it actually looks pretty nice. I really enjoy the pelican, but the Covenant base could use a little more. Not necessarily merging, but at least some more aesthetically. You may want to line things up a little better, such as the double boxes in the last picture. Other then that it looks pretty good for a map with limited merging.
  3. ChemicalCarnage

    ChemicalCarnage Ancient

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    Thanks. Good god, I can't wait until Reach!
  4. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Yeah I remember you sent this too me to edit it but one of my retard friends deleted it while using my xbox. That's the last time I let someone touch my first player controller.
  5. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    A map can be great without having to merge. I like what you have here, and I like anything covy vs. UNSC (of which i have never seen before vs. Inserectionists) related. This reminds me of a map and gametype which I made on my drive a long time before I joined forgehub. "Resistance on Urban Invasion" Except it was a big mothership hovering over a town and the attackers could either hotdrop to the surface or man the two metal gear like invasion walkers. Back on topic you really should link your gamertag, or get a different account. People like to have the option to download. Or at least you should talk about the gametype or how it plays
  6. ChemicalCarnage

    ChemicalCarnage Ancient

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    Yeah, i don't know how to unlink my other e- mail so I'm pretty much stuck unless I ring Xbox Support or something. I thought I shouldn't talk about the gametype much because it isn't mine and it's been on other posts. =)
  7. ChemicalCarnage

    ChemicalCarnage Ancient

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    Oh well. Me and my friends playtested it without it being changed and it was pretty fun. If you're online and we're playing this, I'll invite you.
  8. xMLGx InStINcTx

    xMLGx InStINcTx Ancient

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    I love a map called Urban Combat. As soon as I look at the title I know it is a city like map. I love maps like these. BTW, your map is pretty fun, I like it because it has an adventure when your walking around discovering, especially the fact that it is city like, more to explore. Great job, love the pelican too!

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