Mx vs Atv Reflex

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Hugh299, Aug 21, 2010.

  1. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Ancient
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    Description: Motocross track being of smooth jumps, uphills and drop-offs, long rolling whoops, corners w/sweet berms, and a beauty fresh starting gate.
    Also featuring a new aspect to Halo 3 racing, terrain change.
    In other words, the track changes and gets rougher

    This creates multiple lines and makes for great racing.

    Lets see an example!
    First Lap
    Second Lap
    BAM! Ruts!

    Heres another one


    1-Start Straightaway
    2-First Double
    3-First Corner
    4-Second Corner
    5-Small Double
    6-Bigger Double, into Horsepower Hill
    7-Horsepower Hill
    8-Third Corner
    9-Long Stepdown Double
    10-Slower Double into Fourth Corner
    11-Fourth Corner
    12-Speed Double/Table
    14-Small Step~off part
    15-Fifth Corner
    16-Whoops, gradually downhill.
    17-Finish, w/Flags (lol)
    18-S**tpile Mountain
    (I decided not to waste the extra objects. You know, the ones that are there from the glitch map. I used them for some other stuff too.)
    19-Factory Pits, kinda.
    20-Spectator Area

    The scenery is overall pretty junky I KNOW, but ya know soon Reach is comin out and i didnt want to take likke a week to make it. I experimented with some stuff that was pretty cool like rock formations around a field of tin cups and this sick waterfall thing with mancannons, but it just took too much money.
    So I decided to ditch the looks and go for a better, smoother track.

    AAAAnd I know it's also not cheat-proof but if your really a racer and you dont want to be an asshole, then it should do just fine.
    Besides what motocross track is fully boarded up with 7ft walls?
    Thats junk.

    I had a video already made but i woulda had to pay for Bungie PRO, and with the Economy these days, that's gonna have to wait till Halo:Reach.

    Lets look at some track pics, eh.
    They all go in order by the way.












    Another view of the start.


    As for the rest of the terrain changing on the rest of the track, like ruts and breaking bumps, you guys can find out when you race it at home! :)

    Track Info:
    Gametype- racetracks, add laps if you want.
    Lap Time- approx. 50 seconds
    Spawning- directly over mongooseees for a quick mount.
    Start Gate drops after 10 seconds.
    FX- none
    Ghost Merging- yes, plenty
    Level of Fun- high

    Smooth, and Challenging.

    Heres a link to the vid if you wanna go to the trouble.
    It might be worth it if you wanna see the terrain changes.

    Mx vs Atv Reflex: : Halo 3 File Details

    Track Tips:
    1-Don't creep too much before the gate drops, other wise you may get an unwanted jump resulting in a bit of a wheelie, slowing you down. You start out in prime position, so time it right. Sometimes scooting back a little and starting your jump a fraction of a second before the gate drops, creepin just a little, results in better drive down the straight, which helps a lot. The start is everything in a race.
    2-The first corner is the sketchist part of the track. Avoid the pile-ups.
    3-Don't overjump the double before HH. The smoother the landing, the more speed you'll carry all the way up.
    4-COAST over the stepdown. You definitely don't want to be flatlandin that puppy.
    5-Insides aren't always the best choice. A lot of the time, if you use the berms correctly, you'll be able to carry more speed, so its about even.
    6-Ruts are your friends. If you try to avoid them, your most likely going to cross-rut(hit the fronts).
    7-Getting a perfect line through the whoops takes skill. Although these are progressively smoother than others, keeping a consistent approach every lap is tough. The best advice to give would be to keep straight, and squared off. Coming into them sideways will result in a high-side.
    8-And lastly, the first jump. Its a tough one on lap #2. Keep that in mind.

    #1 Hugh299, Aug 21, 2010
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2010
  2. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
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    Hmm very interesting i have this game and i think you have done a awesome job in making ruts and the corrner features. On Mx Vs ATV the terrain changes each lap, maybe set your corners to change a different times during the race.

    Maybe call the map a different name because the name is really a game ?
  3. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    Dude this track looks epic. Dling now. Finally, a non skybox racetrack that is actually good. You have some very creative and original ideas. The rough and rugged looking terrain is perfect for that motocross like feel. The track looks extremely smooth and it looks like you put a lot of time in this map. I especially love how it changes over time, not only does it make it more challenging but it makes the experience unique every time you play it. My only problem? The Warthog and chopper. Sorry Amigo but you might want to board them up so no one uses them to race. Otherwise if they could find a way to get them on the track, well I can sum it up in one word....


    Other than that tiny little aspect I will give it a 4.9999999/5 for near purity and perfection of a ground level ractrack
  4. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Ancient
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    There is a rut section that spawns on the third lap, but I did the most I could with the budget i had. You can expect that in Reach the terrain changing will be a whole lot more complex! I plan to make map packs of tracks like this, and give them regular names lol.

    And as for the other vehicles, its kinda like the cheating thing, if your a good racer and not an ass, then you wont cheat. Thats also some of the leftover junk from the budget map. I actually think having the warthog on there is a bonus cause you can see what the track'd be like with it.

    But thanks for the awesome feedback! :D
  5. Hugh299

    Hugh299 Ancient
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    Thanks. It's cool people are appreciating and having fun with this. Iv been waiting for a long time, and still waiting, for Reach! So stoked to make like, map packs of this.

    I posted some track tips after doing some MAJOR testing myself, going through a bunch of FULL GATE RACES! It was sick it was actually like playing Reflex.

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