Oblisk is an asymmetrical map in the crypt for free for all Slayer. It is a small map using a fraction of the normal space. Maybe an 8th? I don't know. 2-6 people. Other gametypes may also be supported next time I edit it. This is my first post on Forge Hub, but not my first map. Though this is my first FFA map. I do not have any strong feelings towards merging so please do not give responses like: "This map needs more merging." or "Not much merging here." Update: Setinel Beam no longer in map. Replaced by Needler. Needler original placement has an additional SMG instead. Weapons: Energy Sword x1 Sniper Rifle x1 Needler x1 SMG x2 Battle Rifle x3 Carbine x2 Spiker x1 Plasma Rifle x2 Regenerator x2 Deployable Cover x2 Aaaand... here are the images. Random shot that looks cool. No download link unfortunately. I can't link my gamertag to my Windows Live ID for some reason. If you want to DL it just message me. Gamertag: ChemicalCarnage Hope you like it! ^_^ ChemicalCarnage
Looks good, but it looks like you can easily escape in two places. It looks like you can jump from the sword out or from the top of the house thing with a grenade jump you could get out.
I made sure it's impossible to jump off the obilisk out but I'm hoping that people would rather have a good game or get killed whilst grenade jumping.
good job good work i would say more but i dont make to many FFA so i dont know very much looks good from what i see and as every one knows maps dont require merging so no worries just try to build it straight and close together k
Hey, Its a great map, dont get me wrong, but three power weapons on a small map? It must be like a mosh pit in there. A complete frenzy.... MUST DOWNLOAD!!!!! There looks like there's signifigant risk, but still three? Oh, and before I forget, Believe me, people are NOT going to rather have a good game than get out, and eventually, one of them will. People Suck. Deal with it. Great Map Though!!!
1. Looks like you could grenade jump out here, and 50% of people would rather go outside a map than play it. 2. Why the double stacked walls? 3. This, among other things could be straightened out more 4. Also needs straightening as I suspect other parts of the map do too.
1. Those people can have fun in the giant nothing beyond (Apart from a killball that I placed out there. I like to prepare.) 2. and 3. and 4. Oh. I really couldn't be bothered to to get them the exact height needed so I kinda was a bit lazy on aspects like that. -_- Thanks for in depth analysis. I appreciate it. =)