Here's a set of signatures based on Noble Team in Halo: Reach. Unfortunately, I'm missing Kat because I just recently found a stock and I'm too lazy to cut it out Anyway, let me know what you think!
I like the Jun one, remove the text it doesn't blend at all and ruins the whole sig... I don't like the background for Emile or Jorge... On Noble Six put the render infront of the background... Good job tho
I agree with Flashpoint. Remove the names from the signature, or maybe move them into a corner or something to that effect, but not on top of the character. And if you do move them, I'd suggest a different font as well, it sort of clashes with the rest of the image. Other than that, awesome job. Kudos.
Text needs work in all of them, you might consider putting their names underneath the triangle where it says noble right now.
So I just went back to mess around with the text and found them all saved as one layer. fml. So now I have to go back and redo the lighting and text for all of them if i want to change them, soooo I'm not sure if they're gonna get updated anytime soon.
Yeah, the guy who rendered the other spartans didn't have a render of Kat for some reason. But then I found a render of her on, but it was on a background of black and I really don't feel like cutting it out, and i dont really have the time either, now that schools starting up agin.
And you don't even have to cut it out of the background. I'm not really fond of any of them, the light sources seem forced (unnatural) in all but the first, and the effects are decent but don't really compliment the render or anything else. The text isn't working for me either, especially the little symbols in the corner; you should almost never put something so potentially distracting as text in the corner unless it absolutely works. Should work on depth, and flow is optional, but seems to need an improvement here.
Physics, AP US History, AP Chem, Honors Pre-Calc, Honors English, Spanish 5. Plus I'm in marching band with rehearsals all day saturday and every tuesday night, then I'm playing on two hockey teams, plus i have scouts every wednesday night and I'm working on my eagle project atm. Hell, I'll be lucky if I even get to play Reach. Thanks man, I'll definitely try working on that in the future. I see what you're saying about the light sources and it makes sense. And I already knew the text was crap, I just couldn't think of anything else when I was making them
No problem, I'm actually really guilty of that myself in some of my stuff, especially with my current. No kidding? What do you play? I'm percussion.
I'm actually not even in a band, but I'm more line than pit. I play the kit and marimba a lot though.
read up on some tutorials, alot of them lack basics... Definetly work on colors+Effects and keeping quality in your focals.