
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by BizBloodshot, Aug 31, 2010.


Is This Map Nice?

  1. Yes

    3 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  1. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    Well, thanks to forgehub and all its greatness, i downloaded the Reach Advanced Objects Set from the thread and started goin crazy in Sketchup.

    Origin: Grifbase started as a random urge to create an aesthetic Grifball map that could possibly end up as a community Matchmaking map for the Reach universe. The name comes from two things. Grif for Grifball of course and Base from Sword Base. These are 2 completely different maps but share similar aesthetics. (Possible construction is in mind as in adding a glass dome ceiling. This is an idea i want to push for 100% due to past forging, trying to make a glass dome map on Avalanche, but was not added to sketchup due to lack of info on # of objects, lack of info on budgeting, changing of object color to differentiate each base, etc.)

    Picture Time:

    Overview of map:




    Enjoy and please leave some comments.
  2. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    I liked it
    But its incredibly simple like almost every other griffball map.
    I want to see you make something new with griffball take advantage of the new canvas boy!
  3. iTz Kneecap eH

    iTz Kneecap eH Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think that's a great Idea but it looks a little to small (MAKE IT BIGGER). I was just thinking, what if you made the roof open and had the water from the waterfall go in the middle of the map. Just a suggestion.

    I also like how you made multiple ramps leading up to the bomb and not just one. It's a really great idea and I hope you actually make this with many aesthetics so it looks better than it does on sketchup.

    For my last concern is that I noticed the spawns are in a square around the bomb plant point, I think the should be lined up down the side ramps like the grifball maps are actually made because four extremely close spawns = one guy standing behind them all and smashing his hammer and literally making it impossible for them to do anything.

    Good job and good luck on making it when Halo: Reach comes out.

    EDIT: What I think would be even better if you made the ground bumpy by using the The Gultch's ground (or another ground) so it changes gameplay and makes it look and play better and make it much more original, by giving it a natural feel
    #3 iTz Kneecap eH, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  4. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    it sounds like a good idea, but i am sticking to a modern theme with the aesthetics. for a future reference it sounds great though.
  5. SniperViper76

    SniperViper76 Forerunner

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    Yeah i like the idea of the ground coming through..but it also is badass when its all forerunner. Biz just throw me a pm and friday i'll party/private chat with you on xbox live.
  6. GoodOldChurch

    GoodOldChurch Forerunner

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    My only concern would be the middle platform. I can't really tell because of the angle in the pictures, but it looks like it has to be jumped and not even that big of a jump.
    If you notice in the three grifballs in matchmaking-the one in the air (is that one still in?), Mayan, and standard you never had to jump to get anywhere (exception: Mayan to score). It'd be kinda annoying as the carrier to back up and find myself against a wall in the center of the map.

    But it could work, I'd just suggest making it seem like more of jump if you want to keep it (once again could be the picture angle). If you just want the design, lower it so you don't need to jump.

    Also, as someone pointed out the spawns, definitely need to be put in a line in the back as opposed to that square, for the reasons stated.

    But definitely looks great, if you put that glass ceiling you'll get a DL from me.
  7. BizBloodshot

    BizBloodshot Forerunner

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    Thanks for all the feedback, if this is going to be a community map, why not have the communities input?


    Bomb Platform: The bomb platform was raised but now includes added aesthetics to the sides and tiny ramps to rid the "annoying jump" and keep a smooth floor/gameplay flow.

    Size: The size of the map horizontally has been extended greatly to make for a larger Grifball court.

    Future Plans: I am digging all the feedback from everybody and i really love the waterfall in map idea but again cannot be something i put into consideration until i can forge on Reach. I have added the glass dome roof easily maxing out +40 of the Glass Walls so this is now a thing of do i want to put time into the sketchup version? or do i wait until i can get everything 100% in forge.

    Forgers beware! Grifbase is coming!
  8. KurmisTheFrog

    KurmisTheFrog Ancient

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    *sigh*.. I knew I shouldn't have said that I was going to make a grifball court..

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