Peripheral This is my first post on Forge Hub, and this is an infection map and gametype on Sandbox. This isn't a new concept by no means, but it's a fun little infection game that can keep you entertained for a little while. The map consists of two small rooms, one above the other. The Infected spawn above, while the humans spawn below. There are five ways for the zombies to get into the humans room. Each corner of the square room has a teleporter, and theres also one teleporter in the middle of the map, which allows zombies to rise from below. The four hallways on each corner are slightly guarded by two pallets each, and a quarter wall for cover. If the humans manage to survive for two and a half minutes, four walls spawn which give the zombies an unreasonable amount of cover, which usually ends the game very quickly. A few weapons spawn once on a few walls. Nothing to unbalance the game. I am no forging expert, and no advanced techniques should be expected. However, the map works very well. The game can be played with any number of players, but works best with at least six. Max sixteen. Two players start as zombies, all the rest are humans. The round obviously ends when all humans are zombies. Here are some pictures, not of gameplay. It gets too crowded for a camera during a game. Infected Floor, shows middle tele. Human Floor, shows middle tele entrance and one hall. Again, the same. Different angle. Peripheral Map Lockdown Gametype So that's it. Download and comment, criticism is welcomed.
Critisism, lets see... Nope, not negative, anyhow. I think it looks exactly the opposite than what you said. It is a new concept, at least to me, but it doesn't look too entertaining. At least, not without a LOT of players. It seems too unfair to the zombies and boring to the humans. I suggest you spread the map out, expand it, so instead of one room, there's many, and also many places to rise up into. Yours a GREAT idea, though, it just needs some tweaks.
I agree with Flamingo. Expand your map to include multiple rooms, set different teleporters to different channels and spread the recievers around, and most importantly, keep on forging. PS that idea with teleporters all bunched up in the zombie spawn is brilliant. Adds a sense of randomness to the infection game.
The idea for this map was to confine the humans, and have zombies come from everywhere. However, I like the idea of multiple rooms. I think what I'll do, is I'll leave this one online, but also edit it into another map. Maybe the same size room, but different floors. I'm also moving out tomorrow and my LIVE ran out today, so I'll do some forging in my down time. Thanks for the ideas.