1:41 in this video. I was under the impression that human turrets were unavailable in Forge World due to an interview by a bungie employee (that I can't find) where he said that only shade turrets were available. But alas! I see a human turret! I don't know if anyone else is relieved by this but I sure as hell am.
Im not relieved because not once did it even cross my mind that they might not include them. I would really like for you to find that interview lol.
Yes I was but he never stated they were in fw. I'm still annoyed that (as far as I know) you can't place/set turrets that can't be ripped off. Ruins so many of the classic halo 2 maps
Why is it bad that you can place turrets that can't be ripped off? It just makes them less overpowered. And i'm sure that you can still place detachable turrets.. why would they remove that functionality?
Thats not what he said at all, ts detatchable turrets that he doesnt like, and for good reason. They ruin any halo 2 map remake. I'm actually hoping that only fixed turrets will be placeable (non detatchable)
personaly I think it should be an option which you select while in forge controlling the turret, or in the game type. I dont like detatch-ables personaly, but it may be required to play certain games better :/
Yeah I reckon, Only one that can't be ripped off is that huge bubble one I can't remember exactly what it was called. But placing human turrets in forge world is obvious from day one. In halo 3 wouldn't be removed and Jorge's primary weapon. My question is can we set a Turret as a weapon to spawn with in game settings? (doubt it)
Maybee that will be an option for the turret, to be able to rip it off or not... Yeah, they never said anything about the final game though. While they were in that video, the game didn't come out yet...