Well first off i am new to forgehub and this is my first map post and also my fist mlg map. The main reason my map is named Windowz Vs Wallz is because i was gonna buy active camo and oversheilds to represent both bases but i didn't have enough money when i was done with the map. So i looked at the Wall of foundry and saw one side had windows on it and the other wall was just a wall. So i was like Windowz Vs Wallz yeah. The Map contains: 1xSniper 5xBattle Rifles 2xCarbines 1x Mauler 1xPlasma Pistol 6xPlasma Grenades 4x Frag Grenades Here Are Some Screen Shots of the Map: Attackers Base / Spawn Defenders Base / Spawn Top of A Side / Sniper Spawn B Side Looking Towards Main Bridge Carbine Spawn Defenders Side Under Sniper Spawn Low A Side Lower Tunnels Bottom Mid Plasma Pistol Spawn Carbine Spawn Looking Towards Top Mid Main Bridge Middle Looking Towards Carbine Spawn Now for some Game play Screen Shots: The Map is Set up for Mlg Gametypes Slayer FFA / Team Oddball/ Oddball FFA ? Team CTF and of Course Team Slayer My Bungie.net Profile is messed up So Just Add me on live i put it up on my fileshare and also if you get a chance get another map on my file share called The Block. Gamertag: o FatalAce x Please comment and let me know what you think of my map. Happy Forging Download Windowz Vs Wallz Here..... Download Windowz Vs Wallz Here..... Download Windowz Vs Wallz Here..... Download Windowz Vs Wallz Here..... Download Windowz Vs Wallz Here.....
Now i've seen the pictures i can say now that its pretty clean interlocked and geomerged but it's a really simple map and there realy is only 2 bases and that can be pretty bad when somone throws a plasma grenade up in the air and gets a double kill well 2 starts for me.
For a first forgehub submission, I like. Alot. In fact, this map made me post on MLG maps. NEVAH AGAIN. XD. So yeah, looks nice and clean. The fence box roof is a smashing piece of engineering [/british talk]. But why is it called windowz vs wallz? I don't really get it.
im not sure why i called it windowz vs wallz i couldn't think of a name but if you can think of a better one ill switch it to that one instead
Who ever voted this 2 stars is retarded (seriously) I'll fix that up for you. The map looks amazing and very unique for an MLG map. I really like the placement of the fence boxes. It looks really cool looking (yeah, that's the best words I could think of at the moment). All I can say is make more maps and I'll keep watch for them. 5/5. And great first post!
This is MLG, not NoobFest 2008. Anyway, this is a nice map, I had doughts for it at first, although when I got a better look, it seems to have good Geo-merging and interlocking. A sniper can be too everrpowered for a map of this size, I recommend downgrading to a Muller. 4.5/5
This looks like a really good map, flows very smoothly. I only have 2 problems, 1-It seems pretty open from the pictures 2-There are some structures that are so overused it makes me want to cry, but its MLG and I guess thats what MLG people wantz.?. Good job though 4/5
Thats called MLG dude. All the MLG foundry maps have this basic layout. Duh. Anyway this map looks great man, I'm DL this. I'm my friends will get a kick out of this epic-tacular map.
This is far too good to be called "Windowz vs Wallz." For the love of everything good, change the name. You'll get more views and downloads.
i know its a shitty name for a map but the first person to come up with a decent name ill switch it and thanks everyone for the comments my next map will be out in about a week or 2 which will be alot better but ill c ya round thanks again
OKAY, first of all,this map has very smooth interlocking and merging. What you did there with the fence boxes is worth a feature ll on its own. I actually dont see any reason that this doesn't get featured. It combines great aestetics with smooth inerlocking and merging. Also the bases look like they are made by a professional forger.
when i first saw the merging with the fenceboxes, the first thing that came to mind was tsunami. the boxes look like they're crashing against the center structure. thus i was thinking you should call it MLG Tsunami.
i spent alot of time on geo glitching everything and pretty much everything is interlocked but my new map is going to blow this one out of the water....anyways i need some people to help me test my new map because it is finished i just need to get some flaws out so i can post it up so please send a friend request to o FatalAce x or just invite me to your party thx again
There are some beautiful merges in there! The fence boxes and also the middle give such a clean and neat sight for the eyes. Love it!
I might just be really exhausted but where's the link to DL the map? I don't think it's in the post...
It looks like the way that the lines of sight are huge, it is easy to camp spawns and get shot from multiple angles too easily.
This is my first map but it is still good, I am working on a new map it's a remake of prisoner a map from halo. It's gonna be so much better than this one. LINK TO FILE SHARE
This is a super old map and was wondering if any one has the original map still saved, I would really like to take a look at it seeing as I created it. If you still have it saved if you could gladly let me get this map back I would really appreciate it : ) My Gamertag: IvAdrenalinevI Please message me i really want to get this map back...