Sandbox Sandboxed 2.0

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Hobbes, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    Map Used: Sandbox

    Supported Gametypes:
    • Slayer/Team Slayer
    • Assault
    • Capture the Flag
    • King of the Hill

    Your team and an enemy team has been airlifted into box, on a Brute planet. Your slowly going insane, so you have three choices. One choice is you make make-shift flags and you play CTF or you play King of the Hill, OR you make a bomb and blow up the other team because your insane.

    • Play Capture the Flag
    • Play King of the Hill
    • Go insane and blow up the other team.


    I posted Version 1.0 yesterday and people have been telling me to make it better. I hope this is better. Things that have changed is that I have taken away alot of games, but the map is playable on every default gametype. The Blue base has grown and is better Forged than the Red base. The hallway and warthog have been replaced with a small tower. I moved the Shotgun from the two Columns to the Red Base bridge. I have taken away all spawn points from the bridge and placed them on the Blue base. And I have taken away alot of the power weapons, and placed a bunch of BR's and Carbines. I would have placed more on the map, but I ran out of money.

    Hope you enjoy!

    Red Base Bridge

    Download Sandboxed 2.0
    Download Flags in a Box
    Download Boxed Bombs
    Download Team King of the Box
  2. Vantier Raleigh

    Vantier Raleigh Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    you need more picture, or at least 1 good overhed view of the map.

    What? so your blatently saying that red base isnt made as good as it could be, and that blue team has an advantage? Maybe you should spend some more time on your maps rather then just throwing them onto forge hub and then makeing new threads for a slightly "better?" version.

    Once again your pointing out that you havent even tested the map, yet you still went ahead and posted it.....why?
    1. Plz do what i said with your picture/s
    2. plz dont make another map thread until it is honestly as good as "you" can possible make it.
    #2 Vantier Raleigh, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  3. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If you ran out of money it's a good idea to go for a budget glitch map or take objects out off the map that is not needed.

    As the other guy said why did you make the blue base better then the red base? From that one picture i can't see anything making it hard to see what you need to improve on. It is important that you do the best you can at forging a map other wise people arn't going to take intrest into your map, you said this is version 2 and version 1 was posted yesterday. You only took one day to post the second version, you need time to make sure you tested it and everything is in place. Just from adding the second version in one day tells me you have not done much to improve it,take your time.

    The picture you have shown us it looks like you have tried to enclose the map so people can't get out however your maps walls are easy breakable which people can walk around the top of you map, getting a better sight of the map. This is where the budget glitch comes in handy, it increases the ammount of objects you can use in a map. Go to this thread and download the sandox money glitch map

    Also in that picture i noticed that you haven't got any merging in it what so ever
    Please go to this thread to improve on your skills it helps a lot.
  4. Hat

    Hat Guest

    This is way to soon to post a v2. You should always go to the TG so you don't have to post multiple versions of maps. After testing and posting if you want more feedback go to the RH.
  5. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    Haha! You guys didn't even play it. First off, VantierX I don't listen to people who can't spell words correctly in posts so, go to school (also, I only need 1 picture. There is no rule saying that it has to be an Overhead view). Second, I don't have any pictures at the moment as there is a Fatass Mega-***** sleeping on our couch and I can't play Halo 3 at the moment. Third, the reason the Blue Base is, "Better Forged" is because the Red Base gets a bunch of extra things (for example; an underground tunnel, a grav lift that shoots you from the underground tunnel unto the top level, a side hallway, a bridge and a Fuel Rod Gun). So next time you try to "review this map" play the actual game. Seriously, do you guys need a picture book? And for the "merging" I did merge the bridge, and I merged the upper floor, also the Blue Base is full of Merge. Maybe it took a day, because these bases aren't so big and I'm a fast Forger. I did test every gametype I decided to use and I found that they work great (ALL IN ONE DAY!!!). I know, it's amazing, but as you can see, from the top of my post, I had help.
    #5 Hobbes, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  6. Dulden

    Dulden Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    OK so I downloaded, and I liked it much better after the update. Now it isn't breakable, and the blue base isn't campable or too small. Although the blue team doesn't have very much cover, its bigger and if you know the map you could have some nice gameplay. I saw that you had some extra money, so maybe you should make a little bit more cover in the middle cause it seems kind of open. But I don't really care. Maybe just make a V 2.5 and change the link in the post. And also guys, don't post bad stuff if you haven't played the map, it doesn't always need pictures.
  7. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Everyone knows you only need one pic, but no one is going to download a map were there is not only one pic, but that pic doesn't even show anything. People want to see the map and if it looks good some people will download it because of that.

    This sounds completely unfair. One side looks better, but the other side has extra stuff. You should always put the same amount of work into every area of a map. Don't make one side look good and the other have a fuel rod.

    Also, take your time when making a map. It isn't a race so you shouldn't be done with a map in one day (unless you spent all 24 hours making, testing, fixing, and testing again, then posting) The TG is there for a reason. So your map is perfect before posting it.
    #7 Hat, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2010
  8. Tucci

    Tucci Ancient
    Senior Member

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    These people are giving you legitimate advice on how to improve your posts, and your map, and you say this to them? The rule is not to review a map unless you play it, but when the post looks like ****, and there is only one picture, nobody will want to play the map. Giving people a view of a single bridge in a single base isn't very appealing. Also, forging one base to perfection, while giving the other base extra perks is not the way to balance a map.

    This map should really be tested before you post a v2, or even a v1. As a member of the Tester's Guild, I'd be happy to test it for you.

    EDIT: When you want the map to be tested, please use the proper sub-forum, and the date you'd like it tested by.
    #8 Tucci, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  9. Zow Jr

    Zow Jr Forerunner

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    So you filled the map with BRs and carbines only?...... You couldn't have varied the weapon selection any more than that?. If you did please give a weapon list.
  10. Flak

    Flak Forerunner

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    They aren't giving him legitimate advice on how to improve his map, they are simply asking him to provide more pictures and critiquing his post. Hobbes is countering their arguments with his own thought out opinions, so I don't understand how he is trolling.
  11. Hobbes

    Hobbes Forerunner

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    I'm still sort of new to Forging and I don't appreciate it when people don't take the time to play the map. Who cares if it only has one picture. Maybe I don't sit around all day playing Halo 3. Maybe I was too lazy to get up and take 8 more pictures, also! I have to delete a bunch of photos because I'm getting close to the 100 files limit. ALSO, I am making a Machinima, so I'm trying to balance those things with only two hands. Please. Give me a break.


    I have tried to add objects to the map, but it keeps saying, "Cannot place Object. Too many have been placed on the map." So I figured I ran out of money. Also, I too agree that the middle was VERY open, but again, the budget killed me.

    I know, I know. I rush things. But I don't understand the TG thing and I'm too lazy to figure it out.

    WTF? How can I be a troll on my own map? Also, you sir, are being the Troll by just saying that!

    No, no! I put MORE BRs and Carbines. I still have other weapons, like Sniper Rifles, Shotguns, and a Fuel Rod Cannon.

    Okay! I am completely redoing the map! A V3. I will have it tested by the Tester's Guild and I'll put up to 8 or 10 pictures. Also, I will put a varied amount of weapons and I'll give you guys a weapons list.
  12. Hat

    Hat Guest

    Just fill out the form below then post it in the TG.

    Map Name:
    Canvas Name:

    Player Count:
    Gametypes That Require Testing: (Limit of 3)
    Download Link: (is Required)

    Creator Notes:
    Insert Picture,. what needs work, etc.

    We don't appreciate it when people don't take the time to post pictures of a map. I know you want people to play the map before they pass judgement and it's actually considered spam if you don't play before you post, but people are more likely to download a map that has pictures in the thread, than a thread with only one that shows none of the map.

    Thank you, good sir.
  13. Combat P3nguin

    Combat P3nguin Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Just remember take your time, no need to rush on your map, take all the time you want make sure everything is balanced for a competitive style map. Also get a budget glitch map if your going for a map like this it helps a lot.

    After you have made your map like thehatofwin said get your map tested these guy know what their doing when there testing it they will give you expert advice on how to improve your map.

    Heres link: Sandbox Budget Glitch

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