Alright, have you ever been in a situation where you started running into a default map piece, but you must forge there for your map to work? For example. If you were forging a tunnel on sandbox, when theres a big hill in your way. Okay, so these are the steps (btw this is not confirmed to work, jsut an idea): 1:Make an enclosed hallway 2lace a teleporter outside the walls of the hallway. (put it to the side so you can't see the physical teleporter beam. 3:Extend the teleporters range so that it covers the hallway. 4: extend the hallway further to make it look like it continues. 5:Go somewhere else and make an identical hallway, repeat steps 2 and 3 to this hallway 6: finish forging your map *Note, the second hallway must be identical to the other on both sides, so it looks like a normal hallway *Short version, this will take you to different parts of your map, while making it look like your in the same area when you enter the teleporter. *Note again: If this doesnt make sense just tell me.
This is a good idea, but it seems this would only be applied as a last resort measure for forging. This does inspire ideas for maps with the deliberate inclusion of this trick though...
Never ending stair illusion anyone? Nice idea. TBH though, I hope the teleporter dimensions are shown as a hill. I want to see if I am near a teleporter or not.
It's not a hill like King of the Hill, but it's a different desighn. Bottom line: Yes, you can see the radius of the teleporter
I believe Buddhacrane actually cam up with this idea a while back, although its Buddhacrane and Im sure he wont mind.
Nice idea but this isn't actually a switch btw. And this would only work if you can see the teleporter.
I believe a lot of people have came up with this idea all on there own merit(not by stealing it), Can't calm idea's specially simple ones that everyone will eventually think of. But if it is KOTH style or visible in some way, Couldn't you put it up on its side? So the sides that are visible below and above the walls and the path your walking into is walking into the "bottom" of the teleporter zone?
you mean it would only work if you "can't" see the teleporter right lol. I actually tried making some maps using this same idea. except it actually wasnt a hallway it was just a straight double wall road in the skybox with the teleporters slightly merged under the surface. The only problem with doing this in halo 3 is that your view always resets its position once you walk through a teleporter. so the illusion doesnt work unless they walk through with the view already at its default position. i thought i remembered hearing that your view doesnt reset like this in Reach though so it should work fine.
Another problem is the really loud sound you hear when you go through the teleporter. The idea will work, but it won't be particularly subtle.
Yeah I was already planning on using that idea for an endless staircase illusion in my new Distortion map for Reach. But, of course, I hold no copyrights! One problem though that I've noted, and will have to study properly when I get Reach, is that while you can increase the radius of a sender node, so that no matter where you walk in the hallway you will be teleported, you will still always come out of the receiver from its centre (This has been confirmed). So, for example, if you were on the left hand side of the hallway when you hit the sender, it would suddenly seem as though you had jumped back into the middle of the hallway when you came out of the receiver at the other end - In other words it breaks the illusion.
I thought you could only see that in forge? That's the impression I got. ~First post!~ Definitely using this for an infinite staircase as well. Although if you popout in the center it will definitely ruin the illusion because then the teleporter you pop out of will be visable :-\ Still ought to be pretty cool.
That's sorta what I was thinking. My plan is to make a relatively spacious staircase, but then have two chokepoints where the teleporters are, so that they kind of look like door frames. This will allow me to make a nice looking staircase, but also solve the teleporter issue.
This. I've seen this same discussion pop up at XF. There's nothing that can fix this problem, unless the hallway's just wide enough for a spartan.
actually i just found an extended version of a Halo:Reach Forge World preview and he clearly says that you can only see the radius of the teleporter while in forge. he says at 7:05 YouTube - Halo Reach Leak :: Extended View of Forge World :: Requested he says it plain as day. lol Edit: i didnt mean to embed it. is it ok that it did that or should i fix it?
There was one problem I thought you might run in to but I've just found out I was wrong. I thought that, like in Halo 3, no matter which way you went in to the Sender Node, you'd always come of the Receiver Node the same way. So I thought that you could walk in backwards but you'd come out facing forwards. Or that you'd be able to get "behind" the teleporter like you can in the other Halo games if you just keep walking backwards I didn't realise before that Rooster Teeth actually showed us this in "Deja View" when Simmons walks through the teleporter backwards and is then teleported backwards.
Yes exactly my point, you can see it in forge. Hopefully not in the custom game cuz it would ruin this whole idea
did you read his post or did you skip straight to the pretty moving box? because in his post he said that the teleporter radius is only shown in forge. it also said it in the video if you listened.
ther was no sarcasm inteded, I was backing it up. Also i dont remember who it was, but someone said that the reciever will always put you in the middle which ruins it.