Freighter (Sketch-up)

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by FreckleEars, Aug 17, 2010.

  1. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    This is a symmetrical map based on a map I previously made in Halo 3.

    The basis of the original was a very fast paced, compact, multi-route map with a direct line to the enemies base. From one base objective to the other was a mere 20 seconds in the original. The original also had no direct line of sight to the other base to prevent camping abuse.

    In this new map, I have opened up the space and added 2 new levels. The map is larger and the regions wider, but the principle is the same. There are 2 direct paths to the enemy base with diverging routes along the way. Keep in mind that every path has a way to be attacked that you cannot reach, and a place you can attack that cannot reach you. Most of the paths are a one way journey and cover is limited. Also, there are limited lines of sight from one base to the other. The objective locations are clearly protected from most forms of harassment but most of the base is exposed.

    I have modified the map to be compatible with the extra speed and rocket pack abilities and the changes to flow they present.

    A final product (like all my past and future maps) will be configured for all generic game-types, even if they aren't that good for the specific map.

    The look and feel of the map will be that of a cargo ship hovering over the Forge World. The generic shape of the level is a large rectangular prism with an assortment of objects within it. The objects will create the halls. From the outside it will look more like a ship, thought I don't know why... seeing as you won't be able to go out there to see it during game-play.

    Freighter Sketch-up of the front outside of the ship.

    Freighter Sketch-up of the back outside of the ship.

    when you first look at the level it appears confusing as it is set across 5 different floors with some paths crossing up to 4 floors. This seems overwhelming at first, but the original played very well and after a few minutes, everyone who tested the map for me settled right into the action.

    Freighter Sketch-up overhead shot with only the roof and ship aesthetics removed.

    Freighter Sketch-up aspect shot of the ship without the roof.

    Freighter Sketch-up Level1

    The first level shows the main objective hut of the bases as well as the basement shotgun rooms. There will be a wall with just enough space to nade and shoot through in between the shotgun rooms. You can also see the ramps that lead into the main path (middle) and the back path (top and bottom).

    Freighter Sketch-up Level2

    The second level of the map contains the main route of attack. This main route has a critical glass wall which can allow you to see the enemies numbers attacking head on. The bases main walkways and ramps are shown as well as pathing of the main route ramps.

    Freighter Sketch-up Level3

    The third level is where players can begin to diverge from the main path as well as the back path. The main area opens into an upper assault region on the enemy base. This area also has an area to view the back path of the enemy to see if anyone will head to the sniper perch for some base harassment. The bases also show the first of 2 aerial ramps out into the level.

    Freighter Sketch-up Level4

    The fourth level is mostly air but contains the main path high grounds where players can back up their team-mates reinforcing, or attack the main assault region for the enemies. The base's second aerial path is shown as well.

    Freighter Sketch-up Level5

    The fifth level is a very important level. Though it is the furthest from the primary objectives and spawns of players, it is the high ground for attacking everywhere in the map with the exception of the back-path and the shotgun room. This is a great area for holding off and attack or defending a team-mate in battle. The entire top floor perch is visible to the opponents top floor perch as well.

    The basic purpose for this map is a fast paced CTF or Assault style game. The close quarters and fast rush distances make for a much faster round compared to normal CTF or Assault. There are many places to hold an attack but all are venerable to a counter attack either from above, or across.

    The games I have played on the original were mostly 4v4 CTF. My friends and I normally frowned upon CTF due to the endurance of some matches (2+hours). With this map, not a single race to 3 flags ever exceeded 20 minutes. Sometimes we were done a round within 2 minutes.

    I can see how a jetpack would work great in the map for accessing the higher grounds easily, but with the close quarters, and walls everywhere, it may be more difficult than one might think.

    YouTube - Freighter - Sketch-up Preview Forge Hub
    Quick fly-through part of the map. It is hard to do the map justice without walking through every path option (there are a lot)

    Last but not least:

    I must had an early build of the game. I mean c'mon! Look at those sweet graphics =P.

    Any feedback is appreciated.

    #1 FreckleEars, Aug 17, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2010
  2. Noizzy Rabbit

    Noizzy Rabbit Forerunner

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    looks sweet, but a little bit confusing
  3. St. Burke

    St. Burke Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love it, one thing id do is place it muuuuuuuuch higher in the air.
  4. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    My friends said the same thing about the original. Once you play it for a few minutes it becomes very easy to get used to.

    Sketch-up doesn't do it justice.

    Maybe I'll try to make a better walk-through video after.
  5. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    Can you build this in forge? It looks like a ton of objects.
  6. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    Should be about $6500 without weapons/equip etc. Also gotta keep in mind that some geometry in the Sketch-up palette aren't correct or confirmed. If there are more optimal pieces or ways to cut out unneeded pieces, I'll do that.

    The original was about half the size and I built that in the sandbox.
  7. St. Burke

    St. Burke Ancient
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    Dont worry about budjet, it looks safe from the cap.
  8. frog on stilts

    frog on stilts Ancient
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    Yeah, the budget won't be an issue here. Good job! I like how 3-dimensional it is, which is so nice to have in a game with Jet Packs.
  9. Random1

    Random1 Forerunner

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    Awesome brainwave, have it so the bottom level is very slightly submerged. I imagined it more as a ship actually. And also, you might want to remove the amount of walls. maybe replace the roof with blocks or something, because I am worried you'll hit the item cap on walls pretty quick :( .
    BTW, two gametypes spring to my mind with this map; Swords and Shotty Snipers. The intricate layout would allow for lots of sneaky play for swords and shotguns, and the walkways would be perfect to snipe at and be sniped from.
  10. HLG FlashPoint

    HLG FlashPoint Ancient
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    Budget WON'T be an issue. This will cost maybe $6000 at the most. It is a space ship right? Make it play like a spaceship or just keep it a box like you have now. I really like the design but the OUTER design does the map no good because it doesn't even relate to the actuall layout. Try to keep 1-3 floors with 1-3 Main Paths and 2 shorter paths and multiple small rooms about the size of 2-3 doubleblocks stacked side-by-side.

    The layout is good but if you wanted to design a space ship then make it play and look like a spaceship.

    It is a good sketchup don't get me wrong but it woulld be Jumpfest and Camo Execution paradise.
  11. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    Ya I am a little worried about walls as well but as I said, I think the actual Reach Forge Palette favors the design. If I run into any issues, I'll address them. The Aesthetics are always second to gameplay and flow.

    I will have shotguns on the map. As for a sword, the original never had one but it sounds really fun. What do you think about me adding a perch between the top floor perches with one sword on it? Makes it hard to get to but worth the risk.

    As for the sumberged bit. I have 2 maps I am working on that utilize the water. One is Treatment, and the other is Sewers. I will debut them within the week. I have the paper/pencil drafts done up already right in front of me.

    That being said, I may swap it to look like a freight boat or something though that doesn't really make sense for it being on a Halo installation. =P

    Well it is supposed to be a Freighter... Like a cargo container on a Freight ship... just on a much larger scale. The whole ship is just one big container. I agree that the outer aesthetics do nothing to the map. I will ditch them if they add nothing to the map. I also may add some windows for viewing the outside if the budget allows it to give the players a better sense of the ship they are on. The front of the ship actually has a bridge but players cannot access it. Maybe I should change that =P.

    I do agree with the Jumpfest and Camofest. I tried to take that into account for the new map. That is why I added a lot more lines of sight, ramps for access, and open spaces for above ground reinforcing to try to balance the game with new power-ups. I am a little worried about the jet-pack though. I think that it will make it a little too easy for a jet-pack user. Hopefully when it is played, jet packs won't be too overpowered. If they are, I may add some objects in the way of abused flight paths (one way shields of something).

    Also to add, I have a map design called UNSC Corvette that I am currently working on. That is based on this design:

    Wolf clad Heavy Corvette image - Halo: Homefront Mod for Homeworld 2 - Mod DB

    The halo novels and wiki put the ship at about 140m long which is good for Forge World I think the metrics of a 2x2x2 box are 3.5x3.5x3.5m. I already have a hanger bay and armory done up. Obviously that design will not be an entire ship but the outside will look like one and the fusion/engine room, hanger, armory, and bridge will be accessible if all goes ahead as planned. It will be an assymetric map where a team from a beach/land base will have to infiltrate the ships hanger or by air to the air dock and get to objectives in the ship. It looks pretty sweet in Sketch-up as of right now. You will probably like that one more =). That one I am a little worried about for the budget.
    #11 FreckleEars, Aug 18, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 18, 2010
  12. Forerunnr

    Forerunnr Forerunner
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    dont mean to burst your bubble but the four walkways you used to make the front of your ship, are different from what they look like in game. in game they have a big column jutting out of the bottom. yeah whoever made these sketchup objects did not get all the items right, expect to subject your maps to change, and by change i mean massive change.
  13. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    Ya I have been looking at some objects and realizing that they are not the right size =P. I am not too concerned though. I may take the advice to just make it a box in the sky seeing as you are never outside to see any of the aesthetics anyway.

    Good eye though. I am still hoping the large brace from the antenna on Ascension on the dish are separate objects. A lot of us forgers are using them as individual entities.
  14. Sgt Surchin

    Senior Member

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    the outer shape of the ship looks a little boring but the inner layout looks pretty amazing. i gotta say that this is a very well thought out design but you should try adding more to the exterior. (^_^)=b
  15. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
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    There was a suggestion to add an external section.

    When I make this map I will send it off to the Testing guild to see if they think it needs any more. It won't do too well with the aesthetics but hopefully it plays really well.

    I'm glad you like it.
  16. goop

    goop Ancient
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    The interior is really open for a freighter which will aid in game play significantly but ruin some the aesthetics of the map. Have you considered putting up some dividers atleast?
  17. Matty

    Matty Ancient
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    Needs more aspiration.
  18. Tennach

    Tennach Forerunner

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    another fine looking map. i like it man. your sketch up skills are ace. have you worked out much it will cost tho?
  19. FreckleEars

    FreckleEars Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Dividers? The map has loads of LOS breakers. I wanted this map to be an open room concept. I could have done this inside the Coliseum just as easily but I never wanted to. As for the Aesthetics, just check out my other two current maps. They focus on aesthetics a LOT more. Can't win them all =P.

    ???? What?

    I was the head of a CAD department at an engineering firm. I used AutoCAD and ArcGIS 8 hours a day for almost 3 years. 3d modeling is not that hard for me =D. I also really like designing things, from SC2 mods to house blue-prints.
  20. EvilChameleon09

    EvilChameleon09 Forerunner

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    This kind of reminds me of that one map from UT3. Only that map was more like a jet carrier. Very nice.

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