Sandbox Sangheili (Elite) Forge Art

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by xSoGx Grim, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    "On the blood of our fathers, on the blood of our sons... we swore to uphold the Covenant!"

    Sanghili are reptile like creatures which are extremely adept to combat scenarios earning the name Elites. Elites are fast, highly agile, powerful, and most importanly extemely intelligent.
    Calling Sanghilios as their homeworld, the Elites were one of the first species to join the Covenant and adept its religion. Although this joining process was a very long and bloody war between the Sangheili and the San 'Shyuum (prophets), the two sides eventually came to an agreement and joined together as allies. The prophets made up the leadership, scientific, and religious aspects, while the Elites became the military backbone for the Covenant.
    Sangheili have a number of physical features which make them very adept for combat. Most of their muscle strains are doubled up resulting in the natural prowess. The creatures have at least two hearts. Their legs are digitigrade meaning that the upper and lower legs are farily short, with an elongated tarsals. Also their knees are reversed. This feature make the Elites extreemely fast on their feet with an ability to leap great hights and distances. (Note that in Contact Harves as a sign of disrespect from the Brutes the Elites were asked to climb up a standard ladder while inspecting the Brute's ships. This was very difficult and awkward for the Elites because of the reverse knee.) Their homeworld has a much higher gravity then most of the UNSC colonies resulting in even more swift combat performance.

    Most Sangheili are about a foot taller than any Spartan 2s, but there have been exceptions such as the Arbiter seen in the Halo Wars (Ripa 'Moramee) who reached 8'1" and dwarfed any other elite or human.
    Sangheili Have a ranking system based from what is known from combat leathality, honor, bravery, and experience. With a culture very similar to futal Japan the Sangheili price honor very hightly and if wounded or captured in battle will commit retual suicide. If not able to do so, they will often ask their fellow elites to do so for them.

    The Sangheili despite the prophet's claiming humans as unclean and unworthy beings, overall respected their enemy. The elites on multiple occasions saw the individual sacrifice which marines, ODSTs, and Spartans made alike in orded to save their squad's or buy time
    Many Fleetmasters risked their rank and blood lines by standing in front of the counsil and requesting at least a consideration of admitting this race into the Covenant.
    Anyway props to you if you actually read all that.

    If you enjoyed the Hunters, you will get a kick out of this:



    Creator notes: You may want to look at this either in forge mode or theater (forge)
    Customs are fine too (less buggy) but half of the sword will be missing.
    There is a sort of easter egg in this map as well. Look at the elite from an
    an angle which most people will not ("expect") and it may take you
    somewhere cool. Also I don't like taking screenshots in forgemode, but
    you should understand why I did. This is not a halo 3 elite, but more like Halo Reach design, mixed in with my own ideas of what would make an elite look cool while still keeping it an elite. I had a few pic references, but the pose is mine, and most of the project was from head. Feel free to PM or message me on live with any building process questions. Most of it is just like you would sculpt a real statue.

    Special thanks:Bungie-for the creativity of character development, and inspiration.
    GeneticSpartan for a great canvas map. It was very organized and easy to
    work with. (I recommend it)
    Lord Agastus- I did end up going with your shield door idea for the sword
    rather than pure spawn points.
    And the entire xSoGx crew! Thanks for your support, promotion, and
    constant distraction. Oh and you guys are responisble for 80% of my
    community spam lol.

    Download Sangheili

    Oh and GOOD point Siffera!
    You guys have a good idea of my style so Im open for suggestion for my next aesthetic project.
    Pick one of these at the bottom of your posts.
    -Brute Chieftain
    -Any of the Noble Team members (1-6)
    #1 xSoGx Grim, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  2. Siffera13

    Siffera13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Nice. I thought it wasn't gonna be done in a While! DL'ing now.
    I like how you did the Sword BTW
    Do you plan on making any more like this. If so I reccommend a Marine or maybe Noble 6.
    #2 Siffera13, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  3. fluffyroks

    fluffyroks Forerunner

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    this is epic make more please and I like you attention to detail going down to the back of the elite and all that. You did a nice job on this aesthetic map. I wish you had more caves coming before reach but oh well. this was an amazing accomplishment to the community. its to bad this type of thing has been done but as a halo 3 elite in avalanche but this one looks to be more detailed :D keep up the good work Ill DL when I can and take a closer look at it before it slices me XD
  4. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Hey it's no problem I did my fare amount of scoping around to see if the Hunters were ever done and came across nothing. I had an idea that someone out there would forge an elite, but I wanted my own boot print on the topic. PM me the link to the other one, I want to take a look. Plus I do my research on these guys and their background. Thats cool that you like my cave maps, but I have been a big fan of Bungie since day one and these covenant statue series are my swan song to Bungie as Reach is theirs for Halo.
  5. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

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    HOLY CRAP!!!! First hunters then ELITES?! Dude your being a forge god from the past weeks. It looks just like an elite. The sword part was clever. Like you said this is a Halo Reach elite, not an Halo 3 one. Do a grunt and put fusion coils in his head for grunt birthday party.
  6. Plasma Rifle Elite

    Senior Member

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    Wort wort wort! Blarg!

    Damn, you finished this fast. This definitely surpasses your Hunters, I didn't even think that it was possible. Can't really point out some flaws, because I don't see any. I love the Energy Sword, and I think that you should definitely build a Grunt, that would be awesomesauce. I think you should continue your next map in Reach, though, so it will be remembered, and not be left behind in Halo 3.
  7. Spartanchief34

    Spartanchief34 Forerunner

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    Out of all the asthetic covanent/monster statues this by far the biggest and most badass one i've seen so far, only rivaled by the hunter pair or optimus prime one. The energy sword makes it even cooler. I can't even imagine how long it took you to make it a really nice work!
  8. serumembryo

    serumembryo Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Dude this is the same creator that made the hunter pair :p
    How old is opitimus prime map? 2 years? The elite and hunters are the best aesthetics I have seen all year...

    Please make the grunt!
  9. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Another incredible work of art. Every piece of this elite looks unique. The sword and the head are my favorite parts without a doubt. The only thing i'm going to point out, is that judging by the video, the legs look a bit skinny compared to the rest of the body. Then again, i'll have to look at it in person to make sure.
  10. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    I chose not to armor up the legs and the feet. The muscle threads on the thighs give of a certain effect and I kept it the way it was. Like I said I added some of my own thoughts and features to the Elite's design. Think of it this way, the less you have to way your legs and feet down, the faster you can run and do elite stuff.
    And yes Plasma-when I heard the elite in the Reach firefight go "Warp Warp warp" I paused it, and said -yep im home again!
    #10 xSoGx Grim, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  11. Triarii

    Triarii Ancient

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    You should definitly make a Jiralhanae (brute) and a Kig-Yar (jackel) or even a San`Shyuum (prophet).........yeah, i read the books, nice job on this, you are really on a roll, keep it up!!!!
  12. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

    Likes Received:
    Thank you. If you read the books then you should enjoy the writeups (background) for each of these posts. I would love to throw in some individual stories, like the Deacon's friendship with the huragok over the entire story of Contact Harvest, or the Pirate background of the Kig-Yar in Cole Protocol, but very few people actually read that stuff, that's why I don't bother with fine detail. Im thinking saving the Brute Chieftain for Reach, but I may throw in some grunts.

    p.s I just noticed that 2 sentences were out of place in the write up. The last paragraph is fixed
    #12 xSoGx Grim, Aug 31, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 31, 2010
  13. Heavy T 79

    Heavy T 79 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Im a big fan of your Forge Art!
    Your are defintly in your Element.
    This is certainly the best Artwork ive seen on Sandox (of course Hunters too).
    Keep the good Job in Reach and Halo3.
  14. Masterboss34

    Masterboss34 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Recently I have been looking into some nice and creative Halo 3 maps, and this happened to be my first map to check into. I looked at the pictures thinking that it was amazing, but when I checked the map out for myself, it was much more than amazing, it was perfect. The Elite was large and obviously took so much time to make. His features were perfect. The "Whiskers" that the elites have on their mouths looked amazing on him. He wasn't just standing there, he had a sword in his hand ready to fight. If I had seen someone with a screen shot of him, i would have told them that was photoshopped.

    I would rate this map compared to others that I have looked at:

  15. Gollygeeanelite

    Gollygeeanelite Ancient
    Senior Member

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    What a beautiful piece of forge art! Wish I had gotten on this website more often recently. You are one great creator and I wish you had more recognition by Bungie's community. I hope to see you in Reach!!!

    Beautiful elite. Very detailed. I love every bit of it!

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