What type of movable objects might we have in forge land... When we set it to standard physics will it make it movable? Do you think making traps will be possible and if there is anything your looking forward to being able to make in reach (as far as traps go)
Well, moveable objects may just be things like camping stools and crates (which you can whack and kick around). The physics option may not be available for movable objects but I imagine if it is, phased and fixed movable options won't allow movement, however, standard physics will. Traps-wise, you have mines, but for other things we'll have to wait and see if the traps from Halo 3 still work. I'm pretty sure that the trap with the active-camo, box and the man cannon still works though.
If you saw the pictures of most of the objects in list form that Bungie released, you see there is a section with movable objects. I know for a fact there are fusion coils, barricades (4 types), camping stool, crates (4), sandbags (not sure if movable) and street cone.
Physics are confirmed to be 100% available on machinima objects, so you can now have stationary crates and camping stools! Likewise, you could see in the Forge Vidoc, that killballs have the option to become movable. I would assume that means any object can be movable too.
First of all thank u fr ur replys very helpful... and (yes i honestly did think it was called forgeland and prob will still call it tht when im playing the game) and 3rd u know my user name is awesome xD
Well traps (switches) are going to be sweet in Halo: Reach. And not all traps need movable objects. The different methods of making switches are called "techs". Here's a list of the techs I've determined will be in Reach thus far: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-reach-forge-discussion/103110-halo-reach-switch-techs.html