looks awesome man. i can't wait to play this. i think if you did an assault type map then the bit where you take the bomb to should be in the bridge, so the attackers have to work their way through the whole ship (from the hangar) to finish their mission. ye looks good man. nice work on the sketch up too.
Depending on how complex it is to make an Invasion map, you could do it like so: Tier 1: Elites get onto the ship. They have to capture the hangar before they can progress (you can place the energy doors we saw on Boneyard Invasion). Tier 2: Elites plant a bomb(?) in the reactor room. Once it explodes, and the ship is crippled, they make their way to the bridge. Tier 3: Spartans make their last stand, defending the navigation database from the Covenant. If the bridge is captured, or, if the core is taken from the bridge and the Elites make it back to their base, the game is over and the Elites win. (Kind of like Invasion on Boneyard, with the core.)
You know if you uploaded the sketchup file, I use File Factory, Then it would be easier for everyone to review the map, and make changes to it that they think would make it work better, then show you.
LARGE RESPONSE! I really hope so. Complexity is no issue to me =P. Paragraphs dude! =P Ya I have had comments on the square look of the rear of the CIC by the gap. I was mulling around how to make an entrance to the docking bay without having it lower load or enter the front or back. I chose the more centralized loading. So far, many UNSC ships have 'gaps' in and around. As for the core, it will have a Killball inside it. I was going to make more inside it but I figured at the resolution of photobucket images made it pointless to do at the moment. I may completely remove the entrance into the CIC and go with my original idea of having it curved a lot more and have ODST drop pod like structures and add an airlock on the roof using a one way shield or something. It does look rather bland in Sketch-up. Hopefully I can tweak it up a nice bit. Send me a message on forgehub and I can add you there and let you know when I start making this map when Reach comes out. 1. 2. Ya I haven't really thought of anything other than one bomb and one flag mainly because I never though Reach would support any multi location objective game modes with attackers defenders. If we can actually set-up games like you guys said I will 100% do it! I mulled over a multi territory style map that would allow attackers to take certain points of the ship in any order, but having a specific order seems way more intense and competitive. Luckilly, I have always made my maps support all default game-modes even if they didn't play well. If there are more types, it will just mean more work for me =P. Hopefully I can make this and keep it as good as people think it is now. I have planned it out pretty hardcore so from the as of right now understanding of Forge World mechanics, I should be able to pull this off in a solid night of forging. Also, it's not a real ship =P. Delphi was a word I just grabbed from somewhere in my brain. Also, corvette class ships were mission specific generally speaking. They had no specific design which allows me to design it any-way I want, so long as it is around 120x30x30 meters. Done and done. I just ask that if anyone wants to redesign the map that they send me the re-iteration to keep all of the updates in the same thread. I will credit anyone who modifies the map with their own style. I work with the governments engineering and I was just put on a job that sucks away 11-13 hours a day and with supper etc I will be short on forging time. Hopefully I will get my reiteration with all of your suggestions out by the end of the week. I am also working on another map as well. Thanks for all of your suggestions so far. Once I update the map, I look forward to hearing more.
11-13 hours? Ooh, that really sucks. Hopefully, you won't have to go through too many sleepless nights to get this done!
i would love to help your forge this map when reach is out. i have ordered the game, so i should have it on the release day or the day after. i have sketchup, so i should be able to understand the layout enough to help you forge it. and it should save your time forging it.