With the recent success of my last preview, "The Shrine", I bring to you good people my second Reach sketchup project; Battlements! With a massive wall dividing the outer catwalk from the inner sanctum, who wouldn't take a stroll on the edge of the world? Aaand here is almost the exact same picture sans walls! Now you can truly get a feel for the grey-scale of this map! Not much of a fan of sideviews? Well you're in luck my friend; because this post come with TWO yes TWO overviews, one avec les walls, and one sans walls aussi, respectively. I hope you could understand the 4-5 french words in this post, but just in case: Avec - With Les - The Aussi - Also Sans - No/None //This map is designed to play like a mix of one sided sanctuary, mixed with the ledge clinging action of epitaph! Enjoy!
You know, it'll look a lot more pro if you remove the Axes (one of the drop down menus) and change the background to be more forge-worldy.
Thanks for that, I just got into sketchup like 2 weeks ago, and haven't really looked through anything. I'll do that more often now.
i hope its a 1v1 map because this would be legit to play on. maybe make certain walls bigger so its less escapable
Very small, might hold 1v1, I'll take a look when reach comes out 'cos I like 1v1 maps to mess around on
It's great, but to small for me. I don't like 1v1 maps. If i start to like 1v1 maps, I'm downloading this.
It could be a problem that anyone with a jetpack could gain a strong advantage by jumping on top of the big walls dividing parts of the map. It looks vary good for CQB.
I like the general concept. But I feel its to small. I dont think it be good for any objective based type. And it would only probally fit a 2v2, maybe 3v3 at max. Expanding it without losing its feel and you have a nice map!
I'm actually going to roof it, during the work, I was unsure of how many slates we would be able to use.