Sandbox Buzzard

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Ragumshnagum, Aug 30, 2010.

  1. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    The Buzzard. This is a vehicle of my own invention. However, unlike the Umbra and the Spidercrab, this is a UNSC vehicle. It's a small cargo ship--about the size of a pelican (give or take)--for in-atmosphere heavy lifting. Originally I was going for a bulkier troop-transport vehicle, much more similar to the pelican, but as the project began to take shape, the idea of a cargo ship sort of stuck.

    Also, you'll notice its wings are not perfectly lined up. This is intentional, as, like the pelican, I'd imagine a VTOL ship like this would call for the wings to be adjustable.

    Behold, the Buzzard.

    Front view - Bridge and searchlight

    Rear bottom view - wings and propulsion systems

    Rear view - cargo bay (the ship has a very open design for easy loading and unloading)

    Download link - : Halo 3 File Details
  2. siberian w0lf

    siberian w0lf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From the front it looks almost like a phantom, only with a searchlight instead of that under-mounted turret. The mancannon booster don't look very forced, so I like those as well. It doesn't look like you used too much budget, so it would have been nice to see you add a few things like turrets, or just work on making it a bit smoother. Overall though, I like it.
  3. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    I considered adding two turrets in the front, but they made it look too much like a gunship, as opposed to a cargo ship.
  4. BurnNSky

    BurnNSky Forerunner

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    Interesting...never seen anyone make a cargo ship before. And I really like the searchlight in the front. For improvements, I'd say to first make the map a tiny bit smoother, and maybe a bit more elaborate. From the pix I can see a few bumps and a fairly simple design. Also, maybe put some boxes or a vehicle in the back. It would look more like a cargo ship if there was actually cargo in it.
    #4 BurnNSky, Aug 30, 2010
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2010
  5. Ragumshnagum

    Ragumshnagum Forerunner

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    The only bumps in the design are on the roof, which you wouldn't be walking on in flight anyway. Haha.

    As for cargo, you can't spawn crates on Sandbox and if I were to put things to look like cargo, it would be confusing as it would be the same stuff the ship is made out of. I considered vehicles, but it made it look too much like it was exclusively for vehicle deployment.

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