which do you prefer, getting credits through playing online, getting more with skill .etc or would you rather have more Challenges like in Halo 3, such as finding all the skulls, or getting to certain ranks online, or getting certain 'chieves like Steppin' Razor to get armours?
I prefer Halo: Reach, the reason for this is because in Halo 3 I know a lot of people who still don't have recon armour because they can't find anbody to play campaign or firefight with. With credits, you can always get closer to the next armour piece wether you have friends to play with or not. Also, you can earn the majority of the armour pieces on Halo 3 pretty quickly. But by the looks of it, it will take a fairly long time to unlock everything in Halo Reach.
Halo Reach. It's better to just earn credits than boost achievments or when you are doing Endure and at the last wave someone quits. It takes time to get all armors with credit system and for skilled player it comes faster.
Reach because it gives me reason to keep playing and won't be as easy. I like a challenge and having something others don't
Reach. its better in a few ways... in halo 3, if you lose a game, you get nothing. in reach, you still get cR. It reminds me a bit of MW2, I may have a horrible match where my team loses by 20 kills, but I still got my last fmj shot for extended mags or whatever it is. Also, it means I cant unlock everything in like a week of playing like with h3. Do campaign legendary, get the skulls, get the scout armor achievements.... you could have 90% of the armor in one day. Its not going to be so for reach, no matter how good someone may be at the game, it still takes time to unlock everything. I like that, I'll probably be a year in and still not have every piece.
Eh, tbh I'm not much of a fan of having to unlock armour variants at all. I like looking how I want to look, but not to the point of actively trying to unlock an armour so I can use it, which is why I've always just picked from what I've unlocked through playing as I would otherwise. The two systems are much of a muchness for me, not trying to criticise those who do enjoy the process, just that I don't personally. But I do think that the Reach system of credits is better as a widely appealing player investment system, it's much more open to different approaches to playing the game in that it rewards playing the game in any form, instead of having specific requirements like H3's achievement based system.
I agree with you all so much I don't know who to quote for this post... Anyway, it could also help with the patience thing in real life. Ex. I have 3000 hard earned cR. That sexy new helmet is 3050. But the attachment for my awesome current helmet is 2050 and the new chest piece is 3000. I enjoy working out tough situations like this. It keeps the game very playable. But what about Offline? How will they earn cR or armor? Hopefully by campaign with a mix of CoD's different exp systems. Like how your offline exp isn't your online exp, so in Reach your offline campaign/custom boosted armor and cR aren't the same online.
@Bloodbender, You get cR for WHATEVER you play. Whether it be campaign, firefight, forge, matchmaking, customs, or theatre, you will get credits for playing. I would assume that Matchmaking, Firefight, and Campaign would give you more than the others just because they're more difficult, and you can't just leave the controller and go AFKing in forge.
I enjoy the Reach method... in the beginning everyone will go for the armor permutations they like most. One thing that we'll all notice is not everyone will be wearing the same armor set-up as each other in the beginning. Everyone will have a unique loadout that's their own... then everyone will eventually fall in line with each other and copy each other's look. Variety is the spice of life.
Reach because although it takes longer for people who can get crazy killing sprees with swords, it makes it easier for people who can't (like myself I still don't have any elite helmets).
Yeah I like the Reach one better because, it will take faaar longer to get somethings and 2 you can't just get everything you have a choice. Like say 4 months of saving in you have a mil credits, do you buy Pestilence or go for the 2mil? It'll make a lot more varied armor perms for people.
I like reach's system better on halo 3 most of the armor could just be unlocked by looking on youtube which then everyone gets it fast
If they expanded the system of halo 3 armor unlocking I think it would be better because a certain armor actually displays an achievement by that player rather than that the player has just played for long enough to rack up credits.
This is something I actually dislike about the H3 system, since it reduces armour to a trophy rather than visual personalisation. Hyabusa is the perfect example, it became a signal of "I've unlocked Hyabusa!" rather than "this is the armour that I think looks good." The upshot of this was to relegate it to being mocked, armours stopped being on equal standing and a matter of aesthetic choice as the hardest one to get was only ever worn because it was the hardest one to get (ok, so not only ever because of that, but in the majority certainly, and even those who didn't pick it because of this generally found it impossible to escape that stigma).
To be honest, I would prefer a mix of the two, so that some armor pieces could be unlocked by a certain number of credits, while others had more specific requirements, such as finding all skulls, getting a certain medal, etc.