I wish they would made it a whole giant island with pieces.. I could of gone for "around the island" races or "tour de island" Its a bummer but there are a whole ton of things were looking over
I think a large island would be a cool idea for an alternative forgeworld. Similar to The Silent Cartographer maybe.
That was the best map ever.....ever ever. I remember turning that into a multiplayer map in halo:CE Good times.
Death Island was always pretty cool to play on as well. Maybe Bungie will release a map pack with something similar sometime.
I doubt it... i recently found my halo 1 (pc) and i've been modding that for the lulz. Good times eh? If they do come out with dlc for silent cortagrapher i will cream...into my icecream..then put it back into the freezer for a midnight snack.